
Susan Glaspell 's A Jury Of Her Peers Essay

Decent Essays

Justice is often defined as the treatment of someone or something with due fairness, but the fairness of a situation is often seen differently, depending upon the viewer. In Susan Glaspell’s, A Jury of Her Peers, the idea of who is capable to fairly judge a person, and therefore serve justice, is examined through the arrest of Mrs. Minnie Wright for the murder of her husband. As the sheriff and others go to the Wrights’ house, the suggestion is made that those empowered by law to cast judgement and those with an understanding of fairness are not always the same, and thus justice may not be served. Using symbolism, along with the title of the story, the characters and their actions, Glaspell expresses that someone who has experienced a similar situation is more likely to understand and justly judge the case before them.
The terms “law” and “justice” are not necessarily synonymous with one another. The men in the story only seek evidence to “convince twelve good men” that Mrs. Wright did indeed murder her husband. The female characters, Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters, having shared similar lives to Minnie’s, gradually turn to their emotional side to seek justice for a woman that they believe has suffered in silence for years at the hands of her husband; not unlike all women of that age had suffered under the rule of a patriarchal society.
To understand Glaspell’s portrayal of law and justice, it is first important to make clear the difference between the concepts. Although

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