A church leader has claimed she died and went to heaven and has been allowed back to Earth to spread the word and perform miracles.
The leader of an apostolic church in Africa has described the moment she died on a hospital bed and her soul travelled up to the holy gates and entered a place called the Third Heaven.
Bishop Susan Ziki Dube, founder of the Holy Baptist Apostolic Church of Christ in Africa, said her spirit was welcomed into heaven but then she was sent back to spread the word of Christ and help those in need.
And ever since her return, her church patrons have claimed she has performed miracles.
Bishop Susan's aunt says she finally conceived a baby after suffering for years and having had four tragic miscarriages while another unnamed patron claims to have been cured of cancer.
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But I woke up, and started walking around the ward seeing other patients. I even spent three days speaking only in tongues."
She said she now helps people from as far as Britain, Switzerland, Nigeria and Germany who phone her up for help after hearing of her reputation to solve seemingly impossible problems.
She said: "When they phone, I pray with them. When a person wants a job, even if they are in Dubai, I pray with them while they fill out their application forms, or if it’s online, they touch the screen of the computer. Those who need citizenship or work permits, I also do the same. Eventually they phone back when they have realised results."
She said she has a strict way of performing the miracles.
"As the angel instructed, we use the Bible," she said. "For healing I use sea salt, holy oil, holy water, fish oil or milk if there is a problem which requires such a method. But we don’t use stones. Our emphasis is also to teach people to have faith and pray.
"I converse with the angel through visions, or I hear a voice, or I just get a revelation during an ordinary
She reminds the people, through the untainted word of Jesus Christ that He saves, heals, and set free from the burden of sin and degradation that Satan inflicts upon His people. Evangelist Stokes has ministered extensively throughout the United States and South Africa spreading the Good
The non-deaf Gallaudet president Elizabeth Zinser was very hated by students, staff and most everyone. Elizabeth being hearing wasn't the only reason she was hated, she was hated for many reasons being hearing was one and not being able to sign was another. She made decisions for a school that had a whole different culture than she did and that she didn't understand because she wasn't a part of the deaf-signing people that went to school that she was overlooking. When she was named president in March 1988, this sparked a protest by many students, alumni, faculty, and staff who felt that although she was a qualified administrator, she didn't have the knowledge and skills necessary to lead Gallaudet University. Unhappy with the decision of her being named the president of Gallaudet, Gallaudet students, backed by a number of alumni, staff,
She tried playing games, and have grown up conversations with them, and even kinda be there consular.When, some women were going crazy and losing their minds susanna would bring them back to life! Not just the women but also susanna also helped the children. for instance, She played games with the children, taught them really fun interesting information and encouraging words to help them throughout the day and night, so she was kinda like a therapist. during the war of the alamo susanna and her daughter angelina were only about half of he people to survive this tragical war.
'The Gundagai Times and Tumut, Adelong and Murrumbidgee District Advertiser', 26th August 1924 gave an account of Ben's newly established relationship with Susan Prior; "...during one of these weekend visits he met a handsome young girl of 16 summers named Susan Pryor, whom he induced to go and live with him at his home at Wheogo. This action, or mode of life, provoked no resentment on the part, of the Walsh family. Ben now resumed his former energies and appeared as much enamored of his mistress as he was of his wife."(Little else is recorded of Susan Prior after 1863. Susan gave birth to their child, a daughter named Mary born in January 1863. Mary died in Newton, Sydney in 1922. Although it has been noted that in old age Susan was a very
gives him no hope of earthly victory, she does remind him that the gates of heaven are open to all;
As time went on she became more involved in church, and religious activities. She got baptized and saved at the church that she always attended. She grew to love the black church that she grew up mocking. The old lady that always sat in the front row made her realize how deep the roots of her church were.
Having soon discovered to be great, I must appear so, and therefore studiously avoided mixing in society, and wrapped myself in mystery, devoting my time to fasting and prayer—By this time, having arrived to man’s estate, and hearing the scriptures commented on at meetings, I was struck with that particular passage which says: “Seek ye the kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you.” I reflected much on this passage, and prayed daily for light on this subject—As I was praying one day at my plough, the spirit spoke to me, saying, “Seek ye the kingdom of Heaven and all things shall be added unto you. (Gray 9)
Surprised by Hope by N.T. Wright is a must read for any Christian looking to expand their understanding of faith. Surprised by Hope gives us a full understanding of salvation as it is revealed in the Bible. This book also tells us how we should act in our lives and in this world as God’s redeemed people. It reveals incredible insight that is important to us because it explains just how crucial our role in this world is. Wright talks about the way things currently are and how they will be with the resurrection and our salvation. The book expands on the Christian mission and what it means to live with hope and faith and attempts to answer the very famous question: What is heaven?
Kathryn Kuhlman was born in Missouri on May 9, 1907 to a Methodist mother and a Baptist father. When Kathryn was at the age of fourteen, she went to a Methodist church with her mother and encountered the Holy Spirit for the first time. Kathryn recounts her testimony in a video and she said, “We were sitting there, it was time for the last song and I was holding the old fashion Methodist hymnal, whether anyone has ever been converted in that church before or since I’ll never know, but when the last song was being sung and I was holding that old fashion Methodist hymnal in my hand, I was only fourteen years of age, sometime happened to me. I cannot tell you one word the preacher said, not one. But I only know that in that moment, the Holy Spirit came upon me, I did not recognize, I did not even know there was such a thing as a holy spirit, and I began to shake. I began to tremble. So much so that I had to lay the hymnal down in the pew.” In that moment she became a believer of Christ.
And suddenly there came a sound from heaven, as of a rushing mighty wind, and it
Edgar Allen Poe is one of the best known American gothic writers . He has written many stories but his style is shown when he uses the gothic elements in his stories. He has many recurring ways at which he uses the gothic elements. In most of Edgar Allen Poe’s novella he frequently uses the selfishness and blood ,showing some of his style.
The first religious experience Saint Teresa had, she did not see Jesus, but was only conscious of Christ’s presence. Saint Teresa was petrified at first. All she could do was cry with fear; when the lord spoke one word to her she was filled with feelings of happiness and was free from fear. She later went to her confessor to tell him about the incident that had occurred. Saint Teresa stated,
Kübler-Ross came up with idea that people pass through different stages after they find out that they are dying, but this idea has been debunked. The stages include Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. According to Kübler-Ross everyone who is the progress of dying goes through these stages, but according to some research not all people go through these stages or if they do they go through them in reverse (Lilienfeld, Lynn, Ruscio, & Beyerstein, 2009). Kübler-Ross’s stages are so popular because they give people a sense of predictability over their deaths (Lilienfeld, Lynn, Ruscio, & Beyerstein, 2009).
Church was a place of many great memories for Imogene. She accepted Christ early enough in her
views in her religion. When I was younger, every day and night, she would bring prayer