
Sustainability Is On Everybody 's Minds

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Sustainability is on everybody 's minds, how can we change habits to sustain a viable community? This question is not just a concern of the farmers and hippies in California, but a desired question in the fishing community that has a economic focused on how to succeed in business. According to Encyclopedia of Governance, "Sustainability refers to the long-term viability of community, set of social institutions, or societal practice" it creates a balance. The balance is profiting from the fishing within environmental concerns, meeting the demands and keeping the integrity of the fish population. As seen in the basic economic theory the triple bottom line describes a development that "successfully integrates economic, social, and environmental considerations in decision making" (Sustainability, p. 944). The global fishing communities have seen an increase of awareness since the 70 's related to the increase consumption, however there have been extensive issues causing a disruption to the bottom line for the future of the fishing industry if they do not become more sustainable.

The global fish farming community recognizes the need for change and adaptation to sustain the demand within this market for the future. In production, the first part of traditional economics, according to our book is "the creation and reproduction of good like food, tools, and other artifacts together with the knowledge involved in making and using them" (Heider, 2007, p. 172). We look at the

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