Sustainment operations include any of those operations, which are in support of friendly forces as they move through their area of operations. They can include but are not limited to operations at home in peacetime, operations abroad in times of war, and even operations in support of natural disasters Hurricane Katrina, and earthquakes in Nepal for example. Anytime the force is moved sustainment operations allows for the continued movement along the scheme of maneuver. Sustainment operations include the elements of logistics, personnel, and health services in order to ensure operational success (as defined by ADP 4.0.) If you have ever deployed overseas you have witnessed first-hand methods of sustainment. From the aircraft that moved you and your teams, to the ships that tackles the high seas moving heavy equipment and warfighting …show more content…
The sustainment operations need to operate with a level of autonomy, by coordinating with the ground force commander, sustainment operations can begin to anticipate what the needs of those forces are as they move throughout the area of operations. By providing this level of continuity it allows the ground forces the ability to move unhindered. A good example of sustainment operations logistically speaking is what is referred to as a hub and spoke model. Many large corporations operate on this, wherein you will have a central warehouse facility that will serve a region. These warehouse facilities provide a way to take advantage of bulk shipments arriving by way of Air, Rail, or Sea. These bulk shipments can then be broken down and packaged in a more efficient mode of transportation for movement to the individual stores. Now if you apply this to Bases/Fobs worldwide you can see how The Army itself also operates on a similar
Mission: On order, S4/432d Civil Affairs Battalion organizes, plans, trains, and equips assigned Soldiers to support Civil Affairs Operations within the US. Army Europe Area of Responsibility in order to engage the civil component of the operational environment.
The mission command system is expressed as the placement of individuals within a unit conducting operations with a specific set of procedures and principles in place to optimize the use of its equipment. What does it mean to recognize or comprehend the art of Command and the science of Control? There are six key principles of mission command in developing a cohesive team that support all aspects of a mission. The following essay will discuss these principles and examine examples of how the famous Operation Anaconda both endured victories and inadequacies.
Combat missions were divided into three categories. A category I mission was defined as a mission performed in an assault role in which a hostile force was engaged and was characterized by delivery of ordnance against the hostile force or delivery of friendly troops or supplies into the immediate combat operations area. A category II mission was characterized by support rendered a friendly force immediately before, during, or immediately following a combat operation. A category III mission was characterized by support of friendly forces not connected with an immediate combat operation but which must have been accomplished at altitudes which made the aircraft at times vulnerable to small arms fire or under hazardous weather or terrain
Logistics at the strategic level of U.S. operations is important in posturing and maintaining the Army to accomplish combined arms maneuver and wide area security. Transportation and maintenance contractors are vital to U.S. missions and provide valuable
The Joint Force Commander (JFC) utilizes command and control to exercise authority over assigned and attached forces within his or her command. Command provides direction and motivation to individuals and units, whereas control is the task of managing forces and the associated tasks required to accomplish the mission. Effective command and control successfully balances the art of command with the science of control and strengthens the commander’s ability to make and execute decisions. Mission command advances command and control
The Army Reserve provides Sustainment support duties for Active Duty missions. Sustainment Warfighting tasks provide support and services. There are three main Sustainment Warfighting Functions; Conduct logistics, Provide personnel services and Provide health service support. Sustainment tasks enable the Warfighting forces to extend operations and maintain capabilities. One of the most
The Army accomplishes this mission by executing Title 10 and Title 32 United States Code directives, to include organizing, equipping, and training forces for the conduct of prompt and sustained combat operations on land. In doing so, the Army accomplishes missions assigned by the President, Secretary of Defense and combatant commanders, and transforming the future. The planning function of management ensures the mission is always the objective along with orders from the Commander In Chief.
Army sustainment is based on an integrated process (people, systems, materiel, health services, and other support) indivisibly linking sustainment to operations. The concept focuses on building a combat ready Army, delivering it to the combatant commander (CCDR) as part of the joint force, and sustaining its combat power across the depth of the operational area and with unrelenting endurance (ADRP 4-0, Chap. 1, Intro.) Sustainment maintenance is off-system component repair and/or end item repair and return to the supply system or by exception to the owning unit, performed by national level maintenance providers. National level maintenance providers include the Army
Sustainment is defined by the Army as “the provision of logistics, personnel services, and health service support necessary to maintain operations until successful mission completion.” The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines sustain as “to provide what is needed for (something or someone) to exist, continue, etc.; to give support or relief to.”
The Army’s mission is to build forces capable of Unified Land Operations, able to operate effectively with Joint, interagency, intergovernmental, and multinational partners across the range of military operations to provide capable and ready forces to combatant commanders (CCDRs) in support of the National Security and National Defense Strategies, while sustaining and maintaining the quality of the All-Volunteer Force. (United States, 2014)
Fantastic post. One of the better posts I have read. When I was writing my post I did not even consider anything inside WWI or WWII to describe sustainment operations. I was so focused on aviation only roles in sustainment operations I flat out missed much of the concept.
of Soldiers, Families, and Civilians, and to enable unit readiness. While the delegation of senior command authority is
provide modernized and ready, tailored land force capabilities to meet combatant commanders’ requirements across the range of military operations;
One of the first things that the military had to change was its attitude that logistics is the same thing as supply management. Logistics plays a very important role in the supply chain but supply chain management involves much more than simply logistics. (Hyland 2002) A team at Ohio State University developed a framework for supply chain management that consists of three supply chain elements: network structure, business processes; and management components.