Being given the opportunity to take part in the Swedish Exchange Program here at Bridgeton High School is a great honor. An honor that has been granted to those students that have proven themselves to be the most ambitious in their schoolwork and go above and beyond to help our community, those students that could best assimilate to the culture and people of a new country and would be able to report about their experience and the students that could offer the Swedish student an insight into the American lifestyle. I would be the best person to participate in the Swedish Exchange Program because, I meet the criteria required to hopefully give the exchange student an incredible experience.
Involvement in the school and maintaining high grades are essential. I have made an effort to become engaged in the various organizations and volunteer groups offered at our high school. I am part of Youth on Main Street, a club that helps out with both district and community events. I am a member of the Health Occupations Students of America, an organization that allows us to enhance our knowledge about the medical field and is the foundation for the students that wish to have a career in
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Bridgeton is located fairly close to most tourist attractions, and we could spend a weekend in New York City, Washington D. C., Philadelphia, or another exciting location nearby. I can only imagine what their reaction may likely be once they see how diverse our city is and how America actually compares to the television and movie portrayals. Another aspect I would like for the student to experience and hopefully enjoy, is living under a Hispanic household. My parents and siblings will surely greet them with open arms, and it is something the student may be new to and they would get the chance to see how the American components clashes and molds into one with the Hispanic elements in my
I have been in a few school activities. One of the main activities that I have been involved in is Color guard. Since my sophomore year, I have been on the guard and participating in all of the competitions with the band. It is a great way to get involved, make new friends, and create new experiences. I am also in my school’s National Honor Society which is an organization that consists of the top academic scholars. We do volunteer work and do activities that display integrity. We have done blood drives as well as packaged food for Kids Against Hunger. That is another organization that people can do to help package food for children across seas that don’t have any source of nourishment. I am an active thespian which is a group of sorts that is dedicated to the fine arts. I have been one since my freshmen year and have been either stage manager or assistant stage manager for two plays and three musicals. My junior year as well as this year I was involved in National
During my high school career, I have participated in a large majority of the clubs available to me, and held officer positions in most of them as well. In both the National Honor Society and Medical Connections Clubs I am a member of two and four years respectively, and was elected treasurer of both for the 2017-2018 school year. National Honor Society has also given me many community service opportunities, including helping with the Night to Shine organization and a volunteering at a local nursing home.
The only extracurricular activity I am a part of as of now, is Key club. I am an active member and commit approximately 20 hours of community service a semester. In Middle School I was a part of NJHS, Student Congress, and WEB (middle school equivalent to Link Crew). Within the next year, I plan on joining NHS as well as Link Crew.
I am very interested in participating in the SIUE Diversity Summer camp because I am very passionate about healthcare and I also want to become a pediatrician when I am older. I am currently in medical terminology, chemistry I, and health occupations. In these classes, I do very well in, and it makes me more interested in becoming a nurse. I also am on the board for Health Occupations Student of America (HOSA). I am leading a committee called the thirst project where you raise money for people to get clean water in third world countries. In HOSA I have designed the school shirt and helped represent the club at events. I am also apart of three other clubs in which I am thoroughly active in and while maintaining all A's in school. Being
I participate in both African Student Organization Club and Health Occupations of America. I enjoy being part of the African Student Organization because it allows me to take pride in my heritage while also becoming educated in my culture. I have been able to meet more people who share the same ancestry and culture as me while teaching others who would like to become more cultured. The club is also great with volunteering so I'm also able to help my community and share my knowledge with them as well. I joined Health Occupations Students of America my junior year of high school, and I am extremely proud of that decision. I have always been interested in the medical field and while in high school, I chose to focus on that passion, and in the
I am a member of my high school’s student council, Girl Scouts, and also the chaplain of my school’s drama club.
Outside of my studies, I’m a member of 3 clubs: HOSA, Key Club, and National Honor Society. I am vice president of HOSA, serving as such for my second year, making this year my third year as an officer. I’m also a member of the Rome High School band for my 7th year in band. I was selected as a section leader for the mellophones this year.
As a student, I strive for excellence in my academics and school involvement to pursue a career in the medical field. By taking rigorous high school classes such as IB, and honor courses,
I stay actively involved in many extracurricular activities. I am a member of FCCLA, Yearbook,
Throughout the duration of my high school career, I have participated in a multitude of various extracurricular activities including Varsity volleyball, club volleyball, National Honor Society, Key Club, and Mathletes. I believe that I have involved myself in this wide range of activities in order to enjoy the company of individuals who appreciate the importance of both academics and athletics as much as I do. Personally, academics have always been a top priority of mine as a result of my parents placing such a significant importance on grades as a child. Consequently, I have participated in organizations such as National Honor Society and Mathletes where I surround myself with others similar to myself that follow a certain academic standard.
I’m Ustina Grybchuk, a sophomore at Lone Star High School, and I’m involved in various extracurriculars such as tennis, art, STEM clubs, and volunteering. I have participated in community service events for the Ukrainian Dallas Society, where I have organized events, supplied food, and even dressed up as the Easter
I am a member of the National Honor Society, Spanish National Honor Society, Key Club, Executive Council, Fine Arts Club and Drama Club. As a member of these clubs, I participate in volunteer work and school events. The clubs push me to be a better person and student inside and outside of school. Furthermore, I am a part-time cashier at a grocery store. When I have time off, I enjoy being with my friends, traveling, or baking. One of my life goals includes traveling to different countries and every
Freshman year during my lunch period, I had decided to participate in technology squad to assist those unfamiliar with software applications such as PowerPoint, Microsoft Word, and Google Docs. Also I was responsible to assign laptops out to students who needed them. When I heard of EMT Club, I automatically joined because I wanted to learn more on what it takes to become an EMT. I handed out candy grams to raise money for the ambulance corps and got to listen to current medical technicians that provided an overview of their responsibilities. In addition I attended a first aid class and got certified, so I can lend a helping hand in an emergency. Outside of school in the Fair Lawn Jewish Center Religious School, I helped students learn the hebrew alphabet and planned activities that would keep them engaged.
While attending LHS I have been involved in a variety of activities that have pulled out skills that could be extremely useful. I have joined American Red Cross, Upward Bound Program, Lifeguarding, CNA, and Soccer. These have taught me how to multitask, open my heart to those less fortunate, leadership, and to stay focused.
To begin, the biggest commitment that I have made during my high school career was in tenth grade when I was inducted into National Honor Society. There are many activities that as a member I have to commit to way ahead of time. The main activity that the organization does more than once a year is the blood drive. People within the community are even invited to give blood and help people that are in need of it. I not only volunteer to work the blood drive every time, I also give part