
Swedish Exchange Personal Statement

Decent Essays
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Being given the opportunity to take part in the Swedish Exchange Program here at Bridgeton High School is a great honor. An honor that has been granted to those students that have proven themselves to be the most ambitious in their schoolwork and go above and beyond to help our community, those students that could best assimilate to the culture and people of a new country and would be able to report about their experience and the students that could offer the Swedish student an insight into the American lifestyle. I would be the best person to participate in the Swedish Exchange Program because, I meet the criteria required to hopefully give the exchange student an incredible experience.
Involvement in the school and maintaining high grades are essential. I have made an effort to become engaged in the various organizations and volunteer groups offered at our high school. I am part of Youth on Main Street, a club that helps out with both district and community events. I am a member of the Health Occupations Students of America, an organization that allows us to enhance our knowledge about the medical field and is the foundation for the students that wish to have a career in …show more content…

Bridgeton is located fairly close to most tourist attractions, and we could spend a weekend in New York City, Washington D. C., Philadelphia, or another exciting location nearby. I can only imagine what their reaction may likely be once they see how diverse our city is and how America actually compares to the television and movie portrayals. Another aspect I would like for the student to experience and hopefully enjoy, is living under a Hispanic household. My parents and siblings will surely greet them with open arms, and it is something the student may be new to and they would get the chance to see how the American components clashes and molds into one with the Hispanic elements in my

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