Although there were some problems with the process of signing up for Obamacare early on, the problems have seemed to work themselves out and it is very easy to apply now. The first step for applying is simply heading over to the main Obamacare site and applying to see if you get coverage. You essentially enter all of your information in relation to your current living situation, income, and all sorts of other things that determine whether or not you qualify for assistance.
What basically happens is they will analyze your paperwork and will send you back various plans that you qualify for. You then have the option of selecting between a handful of plans, which you can research and make your own decision as to which company you want to go with. Generally speaking, the lower the amount of income that you have per month, the more assistance you will get towards your bill. For my current situation, I applied as a single individual and ended up selecting Kaiser, because they have had great reviews and their plan gave me great coverage for a very low cost. The total subsidy that I received took my monthly bills down to under fifty dollars and the average cost of going to the doctor is generally five dollars or less, making it an
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I had one option where I would essentially pay nothing, but the coverage was different if I had needed to have a major surgery or something of that magnitude. You will have to weigh your options when it comes to your risks of having a large medical cost, but I opted to pick a coverage that was somewhere in the middle, where I still have costs per month, but the overall charges for a long hospital stay would not be massive. So far I have used the plan to see a regular doctor at least six or seven times, have seen several specialist, and picked up medication and I have to say it is the most professional and efficient health insurance company that I have ever dealt
plan, you will typically have no deductible and the co-payments often range from $10 to $20
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Illinois (BCBS) is considered the largest and most experienced insurance company in Illinois. BCBS was founded in order to provide healthcare to teachers at a reasonable cost. It services over 7 million people. Its mission is “To promote the health and wellness of members and communities through accessible, cost-effective, quality health care” (Blue Cross Blue Shield, 2012). Blue Cross Blue Shield provides its customers with affordable health care. The parent company is Blue Cross Blue Shield Association its signature tag is “Creating Healthier Communities,” BCBS does not have any investors and the customers are considered the investors of the company and essentially who BCBS answers to. This is an important factor because they do not have to keep investors interest in the forefront of decision making, but rather they have the interest of their client in mind. (Blue Cross Blue Shield, 2012) In 2013 the Chicago based company reported profits of 684.3 million dollars. The company employees over 17,000 people. “Blue Shield of Illinois fell well below the $1 billion mark for the first time since 2009, in part because the insurance giant is setting aside money to offset expected losses from the troubled rollout of Obamacare” (Wang, 2014). Despite this setback it continues to expand over various parts of the United States. BCBS
The patient is informed about their coverage and the amount of copayment they would have to pay.
Displaying the strengths and weaknesses of a business is a strategic tool called the Internal Factor Evaluation (IFE) matrix. The strengths and weaknesses are the key factors (10-12) or as many as possible. Each critical key factor is assigned a weight with ranges of 0.0 (low importance) to 1.0 (high importance). The number shows how important it is if the company wants to succeed in the business. If no weights are assigned, all the factors will be important, which will not be realistic. All the weights must be equal to 1.0. The ratings in the IFE determines how strong or weak each factor is in the business which ranges from 4 to 1. This means that 4 is a major strength, 3 – minor strength, 2-minor weakness, and 1- a major weakness. Ratings
We are undergraduate students in the course IT 396-44 Management Information Systems at Monroe College. Professor Asteria Villegas is the instructor for
A vital part of the strategic planning process is the (SWOC) analysis. SWOC stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Challenges. This information can be used to create ideas for strategic interventions that can shape and guide organizational decisions and actions designed to create public value (Bryson, 2004, pg. 124). Strategic planning is used to solve important issues within organizations. It can help organizations build on strengths and take advantage of major opportunities while overcoming or minimizing weaknesses and serious challenges (Bryson, 2004, pg. 27). Stakeholders and employees can provide detailed information for an SWOC analysis.
Knowing the importance of a strategic vision, every company undertakes a complete analysis periodically. In order to create a strategic plan the parties involved must know every aspect of the industry and the company at hand. The purpose of this paper is to describe and analyze the retail drugstore industry and then focus on Walgreens, the industry leader in terms of sales. As part of the in-depth analysis of Walgreens, its major competitors will also be described and analyzed. The retail drugstore industry consists of all those stores that contain a pharmacy and sell prescription drugs. It also includes businesses that sell prescription drugs online and through the mail. Most retail drugstores also offer other
On Monday, with all eyes squarely focused on the Iowa caucuses, the House and Senate were in session. That’s a good thing because this Congress has its work cut out for it, with only 81 legislative days remaining on the House Calendar from February 5th to October 1, 2016 they must grapple with clearing the Fiscal Year 2017 Budget and Appropriations bills, grapple with various attempts to undermine the ACA, tax reform issues, and more.
Over half of uninsured Americans can get free or low cost health insurance. Some can even get help on out-of-pocket costs using their state’s Health Insurance Marketplace. ObamaCare has many protection that ensure you that you can’t be dropped from coverage when you get sick or make a mistake on
With the rising cost of healthcare-it is important to be able to have insurance to help with the expenses. Many Americans are without coverage and keep from getting the care they need due to lack of funds to do so. This has been a topic of discussion for years, but the Affordable Care Act is a recent type of insurance that can be obtained by any individual. This paper is to discuss the Affordable Care Act, who founded it and the purpose of. It will also include nine titles that give a full description and applications on the nurse’s practice.
Let’s face it, the healthcare system in the U.S. is broken. The passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA or Obamacare) in 2010, was designed to “fix” the issues and provide access to health insurance for 30 million uninsured and underinsured Americans. This has been the biggest move in healthcare since establishing Medicare and Medicaid in 1965 (Moncrieff & Lee, 2011). My stance on the ACA is pretty bland, at best. As with most things, there are pros and cons in every situation. The main cons I have with the ACA are the costs associated with funding. Funding for the ACA will be provided by cuts to Medicare, as well as, tax increases (Hall & Lord, 2014). Medicare has been struggling for years with funding, so by cutting roughly $500
The major provision of Obamacare is that most U.S. citizens must enroll in a health insurance plan for the entire tax year or face a penalty. Employers with more than 50 employees must offer workers a health insurance plan, and low-cost insurance exchanges have been set up so that employers and people without coverage can compare plans and buy insurance that meets the following levels of coverage:
Obamacare is an unofficial name for the Patient Protection and ACA (Affordable Care Act) which was signed into law by President Barack Obama in 2010. The White House announced that in the first month, more than 100,000 Americans successfully enrolled in new insurance plans (The New America). That’s not even close to a quarter of the United States population. There have been problems with the website when it crashed. This prevented many Americans from completing the enrollment process. Which put a big hurt on the AC. But there is no question that there is a real demand for quality, affordable health insurance. In the first month, nearly a million people successfully completed an application for themselves or their families. An estimated amount 396,000 citizens have the ability to gain access to Medicaid under the Affordable Care
Obamacare may be one of the most debatable topics at the moment ever since 2010. For those who are still confused on what Obamacare is and how it works is understandable and common amongst Americans. Obamacare is also known as the Affordable Care Act. It can be summed up as a law that ensures every American has access to health insurance that is affordable and within their budget. This is done by offering people discounts on government-sponsored health insurance plans, and by expanding the Medicaid assistance program so they include more people who can’t afford health care. In order for someone to qualify for Obamacare they must have an insurance plan that covers at least ten essential services that pertain
The administration also said it does not make sense to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on advertising since most Americans already know about Obamacare and how and when they can enroll. 12.2 million Americans enrolled or re-enrolled in healthcare plans through the open marketplace in 2017. The administration claims that the number fell to 10.1 million due to some people failing to make their monthly insurance premium payments.