
Swot Analysis : Isotopic Analysis

Decent Essays

Isotopic analysis is one of many methods used by archaeologists to look at how past cultures and societies lived and were organized. The stable strontium isotope is one of these, and is primarily (with other isotopes) to look at diet and mobility. The measured value in strontium isotopic analysis is the ratio of the natural abundancy of two of strontium’s’ isotopes; naturally occurring 86Sr and radiogenic 87Sr that is derived from the decay of rubidium-87 (Bentley 2006; Hodell et al. 2004; Price et al. 2002; Sealy et al. 1991). While this number is small (averaging approximately 0.71025 worldwide (C. Chenery et al. 2011)), it is a quantifiable value found in all geological strata on earth. This ratio can also be found in the human body, where it has been derived from the soil where food was grown. it can be found in the hard bone and enamel , and in comparison with the values in the rocks surrounding, can be used to look at human past (Bentley 2006; Chenery et al. 2011; Ericson 1985; Grupe et al. 1997; Hodell et al. 2004; Price et al. 1994a; Price et al. 1994b).

Strontium is taken in to our body from our food, where it is derived from the soil. As it is chemically similar to calcium by composition, strontium can replace small amounts of the calcium in our bodies (Bentley 2006; Chenery et al. 2011; Ezzo 1994; Jorgenson et al. 2009; Price et al. 1994). While only a minute amount of the strontium is kept in our bodies, due to its relatively small mass differences between the

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