
Essay On Houston

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Welcome to Houston, the largest city in Texas. Houston was founded in 1836, by two New York real estate promoters J.K and A.C Allen. Houston is currently home to $2,296,224 people making it the fourth most populated city in the United States. It is governed by Govenor Greg Abbott the 48th governor of Houston. Sylvester Turner is the residing Mayor since 2016. In May 31st 2017 the Houstons City counsel approved unanimsouly a $5.2 Billion budget for fisical year 2018. However will this be enough to help fix their major issues? With the disatirous hurricane that tore through Houston only a few weeks ago, to their already exsiting pention issues. Can Houston’s propsed budget get them back on track? Overview of FY2018 Budget Mayor Turner proposes

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