
Swot Analysis Of Middleborough

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Middleborough is a large industrial town situated on the south bank of the River Tees in North Yorkshire, England. The current population is estimated to be 138,900, 11.8% the population is estimated to be from the Black and Minority Ethnic community compared to the regional average of 8.2% making Middlesbrough one of the most diverse places to live in the north east. Middlesbrough's population is younger than both the regional and national averages with 19% of the population under the age of 15, compared to 17.6% across the United Kingdom (UK). (REF). The male population of Middlesbrough is 49.1% which is higher than the national average of 48%. Although, Middlesbrough's female population is 50.9%, which is lower than the UK average of 52%.

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