
Swot Analysis Of Whole Foods

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Introduction Whole Foods Market® is the world’s leading food market chain of natural and organic foods, with 193 stores in thirty-one states, Canada and the United Kingdom. Originally established in Austin, Texas in 1980. They own and operate many subsidiaries. Allegro Coffee Company was formed in 1977 and purchased by Whole Foods Market in 1997, currently acting as their coffee roasting and distribution center. Acquired in 1996, Pigeon Cove is Whole Foods’ seafood processing facility, the sole food market to own and operate a waterfront seafood facility. Two other subsidiaries are Produce Field Inspection Office and Select Fish, which is Whole Foods’ West Coast seafood processing facility acquired in 2003. In addition, the company has eight distribution centers, seven regional bake houses and four commissaries (Pearce & Robinson, 2013). Background / Problem Statement The demand for natural and organic foods has grown by 5.1% over the past several years, primarily dominated by Whole Foods specializes in the shopping experience, product quality and take outs of premium selections. This increase has gained the competition from like competitors of grocery food chains closing the gap on this market niche where profits are being jeopardized. Their strategy has been opening new stores or acquiring stores in upper class locations as primary markets to increase sales. Costing $2-$3 million and a year before an operation and trouble to secure new locations Whole Foods regrouped

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