
Swot Analysis: SWOT Analysis Of The Construction Company

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SWOT analysis is an effective technique which will help in determining the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threat for a business and the most effective manner is to have the careful analysis of it as it tends to save money. According to (Arbulu et al., 2003), the industry which has been selected is the construction company which is used for analysis purpose and the following are careful analysis of the construction company and its necessary features in aspects of SWOT analysis. Strengths, the skills of construction company differs in terms of skills and there are many avenues which are attributed to it for the strength and there should be strong management skills and the construction company needs to have a strong brand name which will help the construction company to have a unique and diversified name in the category of the business and this will be the strength in terms of the business projects and the expertise which will help in providing strength to the demands of the diversifies arrays of the projects that are being executed. (Schaufelberger, 2009) Weakness, the constriction company and its business to be restricted to in one geographic area and the …show more content…

Training an active role in development of individuals and works to increase productivity it provides information that helps them to achieve their goals and develop their skills. The employees is the basis of the production process it needs to develop continuously especially in the construction industry, it contributes to solve and any problems that will face them in future. In addition, that system of incentives affect the performance of employees and the greater the

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