
Sylvia Plath 's Life And Life

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“I have the choice of being constantly active and happy or introspectively passive and sad or I can go mad by ricocheting in between.” (Goodreads, 2013) This is a quote from Sylvia Plath, a poet who faced many obstacles in her life including attempting suicide; getting divorced due to lies and infidelity; and leaving her children behind. Sylvia Plath was born on October 27, 1932 in Boston Massachusetts Plath’s father Otto Plath author of a book on bees. (The Famous People Website, 2013;, 2013). Her father taught at Boston University, where he met Aurelia Schober Plath’s mother who studied to get her master’s degree in teaching. (Academy of American Poet, 2013; Sylvia Plath info, 1999).The two married in January 1932 before …show more content…

Sylvia Plath took interest in art and writing at a young age; she also started keeping a journal and published some of her work. In 1950, Plath was rewarded a scholarship from Smith College. (Academy of American poet, 2013; The Biography Channel, 2013). Plath attempted to commit suicide by overdosing on sleeping pills in her third year of college (Smith College). She was later on diagnosed with depression and treated in a mental health facility. In 1956 she graduated from Smith College. (The Oxford Companion - 1994; The Biography Channel - 2013). In the same year, Plath also, studied at University Newnham College in England, where she met her husband poet Ted Hughes. April 1, 1960, Plath first collection of poetry “The colossus” was published in England. Soon after, Plath and Hughes had their first child Frieda Rebecca; two years later their second child was born named Nicholas. (A+E Television Networks, 2013; Sylvia, 1999). In 1962, Hughes had an affair which resulted in a separation. (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 2003; the Poetry Foundation, 2013) and in 1963, Plath published a semi- autobiographical novel, The Bell Jar, and February 11, 1963, Sylvia Plath sealed the rooms between her and her children and committed suicide. Plath placed her head in a gas oven, she was found dead in her own kitchen. (Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine – 2003 and Academy of American Poets - 2013). After Plath’s death Ted Hughes became her

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