Representation competency Understand and use unique varieties of representations of mathematical entities, choose, make use of in addition to switch concerning representations. Symbols and formalism competency Decode and interpret symbolic and formal mathematical language, get knowledge about the nature and formulas of formal mathematical system and its process, change from natural language to mathematic language, manipulate statements and expressions of symbols and formulas. Communication competency Recognize, analyze, and interpret mathematical expressions regarding different sort (written, oral and visual) express oneself from different theoretical and specialized levels on mathematical matters to different audience. Tools
Part B. Describe two mathematical strengths for each student whose response indicates the need to reteach the math content.
In 1882, Susan Glaspell was born in Davenport, Iowa. She graduated from Drake University in 1899 and later worked as a reporter, then a freelance writer, composing several pieces (Kirsner and Mandell 1124). Later Glaspell and her husband, Cram Cook, founded the Provincetown Players for which Glaspell wrote plays (1124). Many of her works conveyed the problems early-twentieth-century women encountered in society. She wrote the play Trifles based on a murder trial she covered as a courthouse reporter (1124). “Glaspell later rewrote Trifles as a short story called ‘A Jury of Her Peer’” (1125). This piece introduces sisterhood between characters and retaliates against the superiority of the male. In “A Jury of Her Peers,” Glaspell uses setting, symbols, and irony to support the theme of gender roles.
communicating mathematical thinking orally, visually, and in writing, using everyday language, grade-appropriate mathematical vocabulary, and a variety of representations and conventions
Robert Reich categorizes America’s workforce into three distinct groups, routine producers, in-person servers, and symbolic analysts. Reich defines the first two groups as principally manual laborers, and the third group as people who work and create value using their minds. This would include occupations such as engineers, attorneys, scientists, professors, executives, et al. Symbolic analysts are objectively and quantifiably more valuable than the other two groups combined. To establish an operational definition of value, we recognize value as the amount of revenue and/or opportunities an individual provides. The reason symbolic analysts command much more wealth and are inherently more valuable than the
First, I would like to some way give the personal opinion of which and what really differs mathematics from other subject text. It is a challenging and a difficult question to answer because in my case, I would say reading mathematics text and understand easily would not the same for everyone. I think different from person to person and it is not easy like others regular subject to manage very fast. Because it containing more per sentence and paragraph than any other type of text. They also have specified and written in a very different compact style and each written sentence contended a lot of complicated information, such as words like numeric numbers and non-numeric numbers, symbols, codes, formulas, and continent of the information pages that also laid out in different patterns than the traditional left-to-right of the most reading. Therefore, every math’s text passage would need a lot of time
Again, knowing the label “subitizing” aided me in becoming comfortable discussing mathematics. The new vocabulary I learned was an important part of becoming more mathematically fluent, but alone cardinality and subitizing are not enough to fluently compute numbers.
Math uses a specialized vocabulary that can only be learned in school. Words in math can mean one thing and have a completely different meaning in everyday conversation. It takes English Language Learners (ELLs) about two years to learn social (everyday) language, but math language takes about five to seven years to learn. ELL students not only have to translate between English and their native language, but also between social and academic language (Janzen, 2008; Slavit & Ernst-Slavit, 2007). In math, we use language to explain concepts and to carry out the procedures, so it is critical to have an understanding of the vocabulary in order to comprehend those concepts. If students do not fully grasp the vocabulary in the problem, then they are at an obvious disadvantage. ELLs may understand the content of the lesson, but inexperience with the language can hold them back from expressing what they know. When students are learning to talk math, it is essential to make the lesson comprehensible for the students, but also to make sure that the students have the vocabulary needed to understand the instruction. It is important for students to not only be able to understand the vocabulary used in the lesson, but also to be able to apply that vocabulary in conversation (Bresser, Melanese &Sphar,
“You can design and create, and build the most wonderful place in the world. But It takes people to make the dream a reality”- Walt Disney
(6) Expressions, equations, and relationships. The student applies mathematical process standards to develop mathematical relationships and make connections to geometric formulas. The student is expected to:
When discussing how students of different mathematical levels solve problems the last sentence stuck out in particular. The statement talking about mathematically proficient students says, “they (the students) can understand the approaches of others to solving complex problems and identify correspondence between different approaches.” This stood out in particular because it should be many people’s goal to have the ability to understand complex problems and find different ways to solve it. A good example of a person who does have proficient mathematical skills despite his amount of education is William Kamkwamba. William was able to interpret and comprehend the science and math needed to make a windmill. Due to his exotic location and
The mathematical test is organized into three various categories. These three clusters measures and test different skills off the examinee. The broad mathematical cluster, the basic mathematical skill cluster, and the mathematical reasoning cluster (Woodcock& McGrew, 2001). The broad mathematical category measures skills in performing written math calculations and solving applied problems. The basic mathematics part of the test measures computational skills and quantitative problems.
Mathematics is a type of reasoning. Thinking mathematically includes thinking in a rational way, developing and checking conjectures, understanding things, and forming and validating judgments, reasoning, and conclusions. We show mathematical habits when we acknowledge and explain patterns, build physical and theoretical models of sensations, develop sign systems to assist us stand for, control, and review concepts, and create treatments to address issues (Battista, 1999).
Over the last matter of years winning amongst parents verse kids has increased. The urge to beat teams has always been a part of the sports world. However, today society has taken it a step further with winning at all cost. This is not the worst thing to happen in this century. On the other hand it is not the greatest thing either because it is costing numbers of participation to go down among youth kids. Everyone wants to bring a win home. The rewards for winning are way better than being lectured on how the game was lost by a bad play or bad coaching. When a championship is won it is fun because ribbons, medals, or trophies are given out. The problem that is causing the win not to be worthy to athletes is how it happen.
Mathematics is the one of the most important subjects in our daily life and in most human activities the knowledge of mathematics is important. In the rapidly changing world and in the era of technology, mathematics plays an essential role. To understand the mechanized world and match with the newly developing information technology knowledge in mathematics is vital. Mathematics is the mother of all sciences. Without the knowledge of mathematics, nothing is possible in the world. The world cannot progress without mathematics. Mathematics fulfills most of the human needs related to diverse aspects of everyday life. Mathematics has been accepted as significant element of formal education from ancient period to the present day. Mathematics has a very important role in the classroom not only because of the relevance of the syllabus material, but because of the reasoning processes the student can develop.
In today’s society mathematics is a vital part of day-to-day life. No matter what a person is doing at home or at the workplace, he/she is constantly using different mathematics skills to simply function. Then what does this mean for mathematics education? When someone needs to utilize a skill every day then he/she needs a strong background in the skill. Therefore, today’s students need more than a just a working knowledge of mathematics or enough knowledge to pass a test. Today’s students need to understand how mathematics works and how to utilize mathematics skills in the best way possible.