Elements and principals of design are incorporated into all forms of art to include film. Film has a way of merging all the forms into one motion picture, providing the audience with both visual and auditory elements of art. Within those elements are deeper levels of creativity.
One comparison of a creative element of literature to film is symbolism. Poignantly, in the movie “Anna and the King”, the King’s favorite daughter loved the monkeys that played on the palace grounds. She drew pictures of them and mimicked them; in one scene, climbing on her father’s back and claiming she was a monkey, not a princess. Sadly, the princess died of cholera. After her death, the King found comfort in the monkeys and their mischievousness (shown when
Behind every great movie, comes a storyline that is derived from a book however, most of the books to the movies have a great number of deviations. The screenwriters and other staff members to include the director come up with these deviations to enhance the plot in the attempt to make it a more interesting film to which in turn can make a better profit. The majority of differences that is found in films main objective is to enhance the mind. For example, when a scene has the ability to get a particular feeling out of a viewer, it is imperative to be able to understand the reasons for those feelings. The dialog and the visual effects of a scene sets a tone that differs from that of the book that it was taken from. Also, screen writers and
There are various elements that contribute to the significance of a film. Cinematography, is one important element in which the camera is used to capture visual images through a number of other controllable elements such as; camera lens, framing, scale, movement etc. Editing is another fundamental component of film studies in which different shots are put together in a coherent sequence in order to make meaning of a film.
basement refrains her from having a normal household. Not that she minds having four genetically altered boys living in the labs below her farmhouse. Her father, a widowed man, works for a secret government agency referred to as the Branch. In this line of work, Anna’s father is required to monitor and execute the treatments of the four boys.
‘‘ Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They are both fruit, but taste completely different.’’ This quote by Stephen King shows that oranges are like the books and the apples are like the movies. Oranges are more succulent, just like books have a lot of detail. Apples are not as succulent, just like the movies made from books do not include all the details.
Film Form is one of the main aspects that goes into making a film. Film Form includes everything that goes into a movie. It is broken into parts that include: Sound, Narrative, Mise-en-scene, and Editing. Content and Film Form go hand-in-hand in film making. Content is described as what is being worked towards in the film or single scenes. Form is described by how something is being expressed or experienced throughout the scenes or film.
How are the four elements of film style (cinematography, sound, mise-en-scene, editing) used in the film to create realism.
Whereas symbolism acts as a cryptic middleman between concepts and readers, imagery creates vivid scenes, allowing readers to experience the emotions and thoughts contained therein. Acmeism, a poetic style originating from early 20th Century Russia, eschews the obtuseness of the Symbolists for the clarity of imagery under the philosophy that the world itself has inherent beauty that poets simply evoke in works.(“A Brief Guide to Acmeism”) Unlike of the symbolists’ often abstract and plotless poems,(“A Brief Guide to the Symbolists”) acmeist poetry describes tangible scenes that inherently contain meaning. Influential Russian acmeist poet Anna Akhmatova, as the poet through whom “a nation of one hundred million cries out”,(Akhmatova, “Requiem”) uses this imagery as a means of powerful expression, both as a romantic and as a political poet. Through complementary and contrasting imagery used in varied contexts, Akhmatova enhances the effect of her poetic works in relation to their apparent purpose, demonstrating the power and versatility of this poetic style.
In his book How to Read Literature Like a Professor, Thomas Foster explains many reoccurring themes in literature, and shows how to recognize them and in some instances shows certain works where they occur. By reading this guide to literature, one may gain a deeper understanding of the work itself and of the author’s intent in writing it. However, Foster’s methods can also be applied to films. A film that contains many of the various themes, models, symbolism, and devices discussed in his book is Walt Disney’s Mulan.
The aspects that make up the material body must be discussed in synchrony to identify how each adds effect and impact to other, as well as to the presentation of character and story. While cinematography involves the rendering of writing, subtext, and
In “The King’s Speech” and “A Beautiful Mind” the contrast between the characters whom I will be discussing is evident. “The King’s Speech” and “A Beautiful Mind” are both highly recommended films. The director makes use of film techniques such as mise-en-scene and cinematography as well as the use of subtle but effective imagery that reflect the emotions that the characters are feeling at a certain point in the film.
In Anna Karenina, Tolstoy marks Anna Karenina as a character of sensual beauty and ultimately suffocates her persona with superficiality that inhibits any attempt towards authentic emotion free from the constraint of constant attraction. Anna’s semblance overwhelms any social situation, preventing her from being anything more profound than the most beautiful woman in the room. While each element in Anna’s life changes as the story progresses, the rings on her fingers remain constant. The detail placed on Anna’s hands indicate that the adorning rings have a greater significance than a materialistic accessory, and instead are meant to provide a sense of stability. The rings are details that pertain only to her, and it is through the movement
I enjoyed watching Anna and the King for a second time especially because I could see our textbook coming to life as the movie went on. I knew that there were going to be some factors that pointed out cultural differences. The first of these listed differences in our text is a culture's history. “The unique experiences that have become part of a culture's collective wisdom constitute it's history. Wars, inheritance rules, religious practices, economic consequences, prior events, legislative acts, and the allocation of power to specific individuals are all historical developments that contribute to cultural differences (Lustig and Koester p.32).” Siam had a completely different history than England. Anna had a hard time with these differences as well as not speaking her mind about them. Examples of the hard time Anna had that stand out to me were Anna not getting her home outside the palace walls and being patient as she was asked or getting involved in things she was told not to such as pay for a slaves freedom.
Elements of art are counted as the soul of art. Art without elements of art is not art; these are the main things in art, without them you are not going to get an art work.
While fine art, sculpture, and design are known to be as true forms of art, only now is film and cinema considered the same. It's up to a few to restore and preserve film for the sake of film culture and history.
In order to achieve a meaningful work of art, artists often use visual elements as well as principles of design. Visual elements are what make up a work of art. There are several types of visual elements. Among these are line, shape, form, space, value, color, and texture. When first examining La Vie Paysanne, we can find many visual elements.