
'Symbolism In Hills Like White Elephants'

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Symbols are defined as being a thing that represents or stands for something else, and that definition holds true in literary works as well. Through the use of symbols we, as readers, are able to gain insight on a characters feelings and just gain a deeper understanding of the work as well. They are just everyday objects used to represent something bigger, and sometimes the symbols are known to our characters and mean something to them. Although that isn’t always the case sometimes characters are completely unaware something is symbolic. No matter how random the symbols always link together to help illustrate a certain idea. In “ Hills Like White Elephants” symbolism is used to illustrate conflict, more specifically the decision on whether or not the couple wants to get an abortion. The women in the story often refers to how the hills “look like white elephants”, and when she mentions it it can come across as random. Although one must take a closer look and notice …show more content…

The couple is sitting in between the two railroad tracks which represents the decisions they have to make and the crossroad they have come to. We can look at each train on either side representing the two options the couple has. One train represents the couple getting the procedure, and the other train represents the couple keeping the baby and not getting the procedure. In the end of the story the man “ looked up the tracks but could not see the train” which shows us how the couple still has not yet made a decision. He also makes a comment about going to check to see if the train The railroad tracks also represent the crossroads we come to in life when we don’t know what decision to make. The entire story the couple was struggling with what decision will be best for them, and while they were sitting and waiting for the train that was the topic their discussion was centered

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