
Symbolism In Ralph Ellison's Battle Royal

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Symbolisms Effect the Deeper Meaning of a Story Symbolism is an effective method authors can use to portray a deeper meaning beyond the surface of a story’s plotline. Different characters, settings, and objects can serve as a symbol that represents a bigger picture. Ralph Ellison does a great job using symbolism throughout the story “Battle Royal”. Ellison wrote “Battle Royal” in 1947 to show the different obstacles African Americans had to endure during this time period. Oppression and slavery were widespread during this time. Throughout the story the reader can identify situations that can be analyzed beyond the surface. Throughout the story “Battle Royal”, the narrator looks back and discusses some of his childhood experiences he encountered. …show more content…

The narrator said, “I wanted to give my speech more than anything else in the world, because I felt that only these men could judge my ability” (239). He wanted to give this speech to show that humility is the answer to the problems. When the narrator is finally offered the opportunity to give the speech he is introduced by a man that says, “I’m told that he knows more big words than a pocket sized dictionary” (241). The man is giving a compliment in a sarcastic way to demean the people of the narrator’s color on their intelligence. The crowd of men were making a joke of his entire speech and the narrator says, “I spoke even louder in spite of the pain. But still they talked and still they laughed, as though deaf with cotton in dirty ears” (241). This comment is a big symbolism to the fact that when African Americans were slaves they would be forced to pick cotton all day and the men making a mockery of him, have “cotton” in their ears so they are not listening to him. The narrator was still scared of how the crowd would react to what he was saying and he says, “I was afraid. I wanted to leave but I wanted also to speak and I was afraid they’d snatch me down” (242). Even when he is given the opportunity to give his speech he still is not allowed the freedom of speech everyone one else

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