The Great Gatsby The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald (1925) and co-written and directed by Baz Luhrmann (2013), is a romance drama which presents the feelings of yearning and loss. Both the book and the film have similarities but they differ when it comes to the techniques used to exploit each plot. Literary techniques are used in the book which aren’t as easy to mirror into the film, the same goes for the cinematic techniques used which can’t be mirrored into the novel. These techniques cover symbolism, mise-en-scene and music. Both storylines are the same but give off a different feel due to the techniques used in either or. Symbolism is present in both the film and novel, some symbols are shared between the two but are be presented
In The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald a multitude of colors represent symbols and characters throughout the novel. The color blue normally can represent a large range of emotions and feelings, such as depression, sadness, abuse, royalty, cold and calmness. Furthermore, blue relates to many objects in life, which includes water and the sky. However, Fitzgerald uses the motif blue to express the symbols of foreshadowing, Gatsby’s royalty, which is shown in his house and parties, and a representation of how Tom acts as a barrier in between Gatsby and Daisy.
People in America love to have a great deal of money. In the novel The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gatsby always wants to have money, and he finally gets it. Gatsby has parties to try to get Daisy to come to his house. Gatsby tell Nick to tell Daisy to come to Nick’s house without her husband. Gatsby finallys shows his big house off to Daisy and thinks he will win her love back again just because he has money. Gatsby’s plan do not work out. Fitzgerald uses symbols in The Great Gatsby to show how things are going wrong in America.
F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote The Gatsby with a great deal of symbolism and for good reason. Symbolism in writing adds more meaning and depth to a story and helps the reader think about underlying themes. It can show what is really going on under the surface of the plot. Several issues exemplified through The Great Gatsby were that wealth and power corrupt, people aren’t what they seem, you can’t go back to the past, actions have consequences, and that the idealistic American dream has been replaced by materialism and greed.
Everything has consequences. Either positive or negative every microscopic event has an effect on the one yet to come. Jay Gatsby is a man of wealth and power, he is the man that men crave to be. A man that makes women lavish over him. How he got the this status is a different story, the gritty kind of story. His story was unnatural for the time of the roaring twenties. He was beautiful, his house luxurious, his garden luscious, none of it was natural. More unreal then anything but never real. The palace has too many secrets, too mysterious, never real with anybody. Gatsby is living a dream. The American Dream, the unrealistic standard where everybody has the things they want, but not the thing they desire the most. So people live a constant lie that they are fine, and consequently its not real. To be real is to be raw and to be raw is to be vulnerable to the outside world. Nature is the most vulnerable piece of life there is, when it’s not forced to be something it’s not. The The Great Gatsby exemplifies the symbolism organic material to display the natural beauty of characters or inanimate objects which tear down the superficial walls of forced actions that Fitzgerald ultimately parades through the course of the book.
A symbol can be anything that represents something else in a story or something that has a deep effect on the story. Symbols can be an object, a character, an animal, a color, etc. Being a great writer, Fitzgerald has used symbols in a very effective manner. In Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby has been in love with Daisy for a quite long time. While he was at the war, she marries a rude yet a rich guy named Tom Buchanan. Desiring to win her back, Gatsby transmutes himself into a wealthy person. He conducts parties every weekend hoping to see her there. Finally, when she meets him, everything turns out badly. Fitzgerald, in this novel uses various symbols to make it more fascinating and these symbols mainly represents the life in America in the 1920’s and the American dream.
Thinking about the past almost always affect present happiness. Perhaps the wrong memories, and sometimes the right memories with someone have negative effects. Many people experience overthinking. This requires someone to sit around and think about something in their life until they begin to over exaggerate the situation. Coming up with every negative outcome that they can acquire. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s book, The Great Gatsby, there is almost an opposite thinking coming from the main character, the wealthy Jay Gatsby believes that he should find comfort in the past and hope for it to positively affect the present. Through the text Gatsby is taught using symbolism, that it is foolish to attempt to recover the past because it is impossible for it to lead to present happiness.
Gatsby is not misleading, and cares and hopes for the best to every one of the characters he meets. Gatsby progressed in a multitude of ways, such as how he talked and thought of certain people such as Daisy. The way F. Scott Fitzgerald described Gatsby as a character and how he progressed Gatsby couldn't be more fitting as a caring and more respectful kind of guy. How Gatsby relates to society is that he threw parties and how a lot of rich people went to his parties. He may even be able to challenge societal norms because of how he brought himself up to be a kind of character who looks like a rich guy who is just like everyone else, normal, but really he had so much inside of him that Nick Carraway(friend and Narrator) can for some reason only see. Through this journey, some may feel that Fitzgerald wanted to that there is always some sort of light around, maybe you will have to look hard for it but there will always be light, in Gatsby’s case, there was a green light, and how he looked at the light made it seem as it was his hope, but not for loss. As Gatsby says "single green light" and how it was "unattainable dream," the "dream [that] must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it”. This is one of Gatsby’s quotes that he used with a reference to the green light.
In life everyone strives to get rich, but is having an abundance of money always good? Sometimes people use money for personal benefits, sometimes it's for the benefit of others, but at times people with money use it to create their social status. In The Great Gatsby, written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, the idea of wealth is seen throughout. Jay Gatsby, who lives next door to Nick Carraway; the Narrator of the story, wants to be with his dream girl Daisy. Gatsby is wealthy and throws parties to impress Daisy. Daisy however, is married to another man Tom Buchanan. Throughout the story the people with money use it to create their social status. In The Great Gatsby F.Scott Fitzgerald uses symbolism to convey, wealth causes people to assert
What do people that are in love often do? The most common course of action is to get married to their significant other. Oftentimes this matrimony is a symbol of the couple’s love for each other. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald uses symbolism to intrigue the reader and provide a more developed theme. Fitzgerald’s use of symbolism in his novel The Great Gatsby contributes greatly to the theme of staying faithful in marriage.
The Great Gatsby Essay: The Decline of the American Dream Most books are written with a direct purpose that is conveyed through the story by the author. The Great Gatsby has many purposes, and although it is disguised as a tragic love story, the main theme Fitzgerald wanted to convey is the decline of the American dream. Fitzgerald uses different rhetorical strategies to develop this topic, such as symbolism, personification and simile. Fitzgerald uses a lot of important symbols in The Great Gatsby.
Even though some of the emotions portrayed in the book are not captured in the film, the consistent use of lines directly from the book help to capture the story with more
Deep down in oneself would stay with a man who was wealthy for his whole lifetime, who you were never fully in love with and have a child with or a man you lusted over even on your wedding night for but got deployed and lost touch with him. Also this man has now had loads of fortune but at the time you met he did not. In Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby once lovers Jay Gatsby and Daisy Buchanan will meet again through her cousin Nick Carraway helps. Daisys husband Tom does have a mistress and will Daisy fall into his footsteps with Gatsby the man she wrote fighting in war as he will try to win her back. Gatsby is sentimental and courageous because he keeps Daisy’s letters and has plan for them to be together.
Poor Man’s Desire: The Great Gatsby If lions are the “king” of there herd then where is the difference of the high class. Although, lions aren’t born kings and they have to earn it by fighting other lions. In order, to become “king” of the herd.
Characters in F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby exude great wealth and power, projecting images of nobility, pride and authority. Throughout the novel, this power influences the decisions of the rich and creates a facade that they hide behind. These outward appearances mask the true characters of the wealthy which do not conform with their projected images. Gatsby is the most separated from the image that he projects, his lavish outer appearance hiding his great insecurity about himself and also the corrupt origins of his wealth.
Throughout Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, there is a ubiquitous theme of motion, whether that is portrayed through the symbolism of cars, boats, or people. This motion is essential to explaining the spirit of American culture. The most significant motion is that of the characters, who move from Midwestern America to Eastern America, and continue onward. This movement is motivated by a plethora of causes, whether that is for money, love, or whatever else one’s dream may be. However, this motion may be pointless, as shown by both Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby, when neither of their dreams are wholly fulfilled by their Eastward movements. Overall, the motif of movement across America is representative of the American Dream, and the ever-present