The Nightmare Before Christmas originated in a poem written by Tim Burton in 1982 that was later published October 13, 1993 as a film with his original hopes of making “The Nightmare Before Christmas” a short film turned out to be a smashing hit out of his many films. Tim Burton's films often show mysterious worlds filled with wonder and horror that bring us to see the world in new ways that we never knew. In this film just like many other of Burton’s films the character is searching to find a new meaning to their life, or even going out of the way to make their life better by filling the empty void by finding a certain something or someone. What begins to puzzle the reader or viewer is when confusion comes up on who the bad guy or monster is in reality.
Our main character Jack is faced with hardship of not being understood and not being able to find what is needed to fill the empty void within him which is said in that of Jack's Lament Performed by Danny Elfman “Yet year after year, it's the same routine And I grow so weary of the sound of screams And I, Jack, the Pumpkin King Have grown so tired of the same old thing Oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones An emptiness began to grow There's something out there, far from my home A longing that I've never known” so he mentions an emptiness beginning to grow within his bones metaphorically speaking even though his character has a physical emptiness
I excel without ever even trying With the slightest little effort of my
Within his text, Campbell writes about the hero crossing the first threshold and entering a Special World. Taking this action signifies the beginning of the journey and the hero’s commitment to it. When related to Jack, the Special World he crosses over to is Christmas Town, where he begins his journey toward making people happy rather than scaring them. After being celebrated by the town for the best Halloween yet, Jack sneaks off by himself toward the outskirts of the town into a twisted hill above a pumpkin patch and graveyard, it is there he sits and ponders what he is feeling, and thus he begins singing "Jack’s Lament". Within the song he sings about how others view him as terrifying and displays a few the scare tactics he has, but the chorus of the song is what reveals the crux of his dilemma, "oh, somewhere deep inside of these bones, an emptiness began to grow, there’s something out there, far from my home, a longing that I’ve never known" . Jack is unhappy with the life he is leading and as a result has become massively depressed. Zero, his ghost dog, even tries to cheer him up to no avail. This leads to Jack wandering the forest until dawn when he stumbles upon a place he has never been to before.
In Truman Capote’s short story “A Christmas Memory” imagery and symbolism are used by the author to show that friendship has no age limit. Truman uses very vivid details and many different types of figurative language to show his theme ,which is that friendship has no age. An example of symbolism is, “As if I expected to see, rather like hearts, a lost pair of kites hurrying toward heaven” (6). After getting the news of his friend’s death, he goes outside and almost expects to see kites. In this example of symbolism, the author shows us how deep a bond Buddy and his friend have by showing us a glimpse of Buddy’s mind and how his heart is going to heaven with his friend. Furthermore, the author uses some imagery when he gives us a vivid description
Some people think The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Christmas movie, some think it’s a Halloween movie. I think The Nightmare Before Christmas is a Halloween movie because all the major characters are from Halloweentown. Such as Jack Skellington, Sally, Dr. Finklestein, Oogie Boogie, the Mayor, and Zero.
The Nightmare before Christmas had a couple of issues that needed to be address before improving the takeover of Christmas. There are four serious issues that occurred in order of importance. Firstly, Jack had no clear vision. What vision he did have, he was incapable of communicating it clearly. When Jack tried to explain ``Jolly`` his team was unsure of the definition and they went back to their original core values by creating ghoulish toys for Christmas.
Robert Butler used setting and tone to establish thematic meaning in the story “Christmas 1910” by placing the setting at a very cold, isolated, and depressing house. This led to the thematic meaning because the main character, Abigail, is affected by the setting. If the house wasn’t placed where it was the story would be completely different.
A person’s past life is really important because it shapes the individual to be the kind of person he/she will be in the future. No matter how much we try, we can’t rid ourselves of our past nor can we run away from it. It’s embedded in our memories and will always remain to do so. In the short story “Xmas”, by Russell Banks, we meet the protagonist, Gregory Dodd who tries to run away from his past and avoid it. Eventually, the reader will learn what the consequences of such an action can lead to. Through the epiphany that the protagonist, Gregory Dodd, undergoes, Banks illustrates the consequences of avoiding one’s past; the nature of the epiphany is defined by the car collision, and ultimately leads Gregory to a wakeup call and a deeper self-realization, leaving him with some heavy thinking to do about his life. The forces that contribute to intensifying the moment of epiphany are seen in the plot and symbolism.
A Christmas Carol is the classic story by Charles Dickens about the transformation of Ebenezer Scrooge. He is guided by three spirits, as they conduct him on his travels through time, teaching him to move beyond his earlier cruelty and hatred of mankind. With the guidance of the spirits, Scrooge learns the true meaning of family, love and Christmas. The spirits all influenced Scrooge in unique ways and taught him different lessons. The spirit that was the most significant in Scrooge’s transformation was the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
Although a sociologist can look at Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch that Stole Christmas in all three of the major theoretical perspectives, the main one expressed is symbolic interactionism. The Grinch that Stole Christmas is a story about a “who” who was not considered to be part of their “whoville” society due to the fact that he not only looked different from the rest of the people, but he acted in different ways than their norms. The story is merely about how the Grinch hates the “whos,” because of how they treated him; until, a little girl named Cindy Lou Who gains a curiosity for the Grinch and wants to give him another chance to be a part of their society. Throughout the story both of the main characters develop a deep connection to each other. Upon viewing the story from a symbolic interaction perspective view, I discovered how the story thematically symbolizes an important part of Christmas by giving people another chance; meanwhile, focusing on the relationship between the main two characters help them regain faith, and while the setting symbolizes their society’s purpose.
The short story I read was “A Christmas Memory” by Truman Capote. The book was mainly about two characters, Buddy and his friend, and a memorable Christmas that they spent together a couple of years back before Buddy’s friend passed away. Basically the whole story is a memoir, his own memories and experiences , because Buddy is reminiscing on the past and is speaking upon the memories that he remembers from that Christmas spent with his friend. Even though it was a short story, Capote did a well enough job of describing not only the characters, but also their relationship with literary devices such as figurative language, symbolism, theme, and many more.
With the season, sounding the holiday spirit, the movie that I have chosen to analyze a character that depict a personality disorder and, “enduring patterns of experience and behavior that differ greatly from the norm and the expectations of the individual’s social group”, is Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas. The character’s behavior that I will be examining is the Grinch and the personality disorder that he acquires to exhibit is anti-social personality disorder. Anti-social personality disorder is one of the four disorders consider appearing dramatic, emotional, and unpredictable. As a person with anti-social personality disorder they tend to not care about other people’s feeling showing little remorse, along with aggressive behaviors. Generally, individuals start showing signs of this disorder early on in childhood as early as six years old, and include symptoms of impulsivity, behavioral problems, callous social attitudes, and lack of feeling for others. Antisocial personality disorder implies that the person does not conform to social norms and tend to little or no respect for the law.
The Christmas Carol is a magnificent movie which shows Ebenezar Scrooge a grumpy old man who changes his future. Ebenezar will go on a magical journey where he will see his past, present, and future with the help of the ghosts of past, present, and future, which changes Scrooge for the better. In the Christmas Carol you find many allusions, metaphors, allegories, paradoxes, personifications.
We all remember dressing up for Halloween night as children. Getting together with best friends and competing to see who has the best costume or can collect the most candy. For some, this was the best night of the year. Then there are the children who sit at home and go through the motions of what their parents do. These parents inevitably will carve a generic looking pumpkin and then sit down and hand out candy to kids the remainder of the night. The children that are staying at home with their parents are handing out candy to the kids who are living and enjoying their Halloween. As Mac Hammond in “Halloween” stresses, the children that are out having fun on Halloween are the true
Christmas is the time of year where everyone seems to be happy no matter what is going on currently in the world around them. But not for Ebenezer Scrooge. Everyone makes mistakes, but some that Scrooge had made, made a big impact on his life. Because of his lack to spread kindness and charity, Scrooge’s consequences were three lovely visits from the Spirit of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come that made Scrooge reflect on his previous decisions so he can have an even greater future. When Scrooge’s partner, Marley, passes away, he lives an even more greedy and selfish life, finding another reason to strongly hate Christmas. Thus one part of why his poor action will provide a future consequence. Secondly, since Scrooge had been so selfish to everyone, including the whole town of London, it is pretty certain that all of London dislikes Scrooge. Although the Spirit of Christmas Yet to Come shows Scrooge that if he does indeed stay selfish, he most certainly will not be missed when he passes away. Lastly, his mistake in life was from his past when he decides to worry and obsess over making money and being successful rather than making sure he and his fiance’s future was more secure rather than secure finances. A Christmas Carol displays actions and consequences depend on one's own actions and decisions whether good or bad.
Charles wrote A Christmas Carol in 1843. This short novel has a Christmas theme and has been popular since it was first published. This moral story is about an old man called Scrooge who hates Christmas and is mean to everyone, but he is transformed. The lessons he learns are as much for the reader to benefit from as Scrooge.
One major theme expressed in Hollow Men is that we as humans are completely full but are empty at the same time. We as humans could have the ‘perfect’ life and still feel completely empty. In the article A Lack of Meaning is Something More Serious, it states “Feeling empty is not caused by lack of money, lack of a romantic relationship, or lack of attention. Emptiness is about your internal perspective and expectations”(Bright). This quote is stating that even if things are going in the right direction in our life, that we can still feel empty. Feeling empty in other words is not being happy, or having no emotion or caring about our life. Were live scarecrows, were stuffed of intangibles but can still feel completely empty. We live our lives just going through the motions everyday. Eliot states in Hollow Men the following, “Our dried voices, when we whisper together are quiet and meaningless as wind in dry grass”(5-8). Eliot states this to show that, we say things