
Sympatric Speciation In Grey Fish

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Divergent evolution occurs when two populations of the same species are separated and become genetically different. Two types of divergent evolution are demonstrated in Figure 2. One type is called Allopatric speciation; this occurs when a population or group of organisms belonging to the same species, are separated geographically. Over time, the separated groups develop different traits due to environmental differences. In Figure 2a, the grey fish evolved in a lake the receives salt water runoff, they would need to have evolved traits to survive the increased salinity.
Sympatric speciation occurs in the populations are not separated (Figure 2b). For some reason the two populations don’t mix even though they are in the same environment. Differences in behavior can lead to sympatric speciation. For instance, one population feeds on plants at the bottom of the lake , while the other feeds on insects near the surface. Over thousands of years of separation based on behaviors, they become different species because each population would have traits to make them better suited to eating plants at the bottom of a lake, or eating insects near the surface. …show more content…

Allopatric speciation happens when a population of a species is separated by a geographic barrier. B. Sympatric speciation happens when a population is separated by behavior.
Coevolution happens when two species evolve together because of the relationship they have with each other. For example, as prey gets faster to avoid being eaten, predators also have to be faster in order to eat. Coevolution can also happen between organisms with a relationship a mutualistic relationship as shown Figure 3. Pollinators, such as hummingbirds, have evolved beaks to feed on specific plants. The plants benefit because they are pollinated. Figure 3: Hummingbirds have evolved beaks that fit the flowers which they

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