
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorder

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It’s safe to say that everyone gets the feeling of being worried or panicked at one time or another during their lifetime. Those feelings are extremely common and natural and for most people they will pass. If a person has these feelings and the feelings don’t pass, then it’s time to talk to a doctor about possibly having a type of anxiety disorder.
There are seven types of anxiety disorder and they include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety, separation anxiety, phobias, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic attacks, and post-traumatic stress disorder (Foa, Edna & Andrews, Linda Wasmer, 2006). Generalized anxiety disorder occurs when a person has an excessive or obsessive feeling of being worried and the feeling just won’t go away. A lot of times this happens when the person is thinking about something in the future that is going to happen (Van Duyne, Sara, 2003). Maybe the person has a huge paper or test coming up at school, they are getting married or having a baby, starting a new job, or even getting ready to go to their first day at school. To diagnose a person with an anxiety disorder, the doctor should first look at the patient’s signs and symptoms.
There are quite a few different signs and symptoms a person can acquire when they have a generalized anxiety disorder. They can experience fatigue, muscle tension, shaking of the hands, extreme perspiring, restlessness, headaches, nausea, and an increase in their heartbeat (Mayo Clinic Staff, 2014). For

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