
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Anxiety Disorders

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Worried? Nervous? The distinction between anxiety disorders and “normal” anxiety is not always certain. Everybody gets anxious or worried from time to time, when speaking in public or in front of the class to give a speech or from financial problems. Sometimes anxiety can be so overbearing that it can start to control your life. Here are twelve signs you might have an anxiety disorder: Excessive worry, sleeping problems, irrational fears, muscle tension, chronic indigestion, stage fright, self-consciousness, panic, flashbacks, perfectionism, compulsive behaviors, and self-doubt. Anxiety disorders are a group of mental disturbances characterized by anxiety as a central or core symptom. They vary extensively in their frequency of occurrence …show more content…

The perception of feeling smothered, shortness of breath, chest pain, and racing heart beat are all common signs of a panic attack. These disorders definitely run the family and twins. Twin studies show that about 20% of patients who have the conditions of the diagnosis have the first-degree relatives with the disorder. The monozygotic twins (identical) to dizygotic twins (non-identical) ratio is 5:1 for panic attacks. Other common causes of panic disorders include social learning and autonomic responsiveness (attacks will affect the body and hyper sensitizes nerve cells in brain). Panic disorders usually starts to happen during your late teens and early twenties, usually not after age 35 and its uncommon to happen after age 45. In the United States, the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) estimates that panic disorder affects about 6 million American adults and is twice as common in women as men. (Gale, 2011.) Agoraphobia is an anxiety state about being in situations or places that might make escape embarrassing or difficult. It is seen in about one-third to one-half of peoples who meet the standards of panic disorders. Some of the symptoms for a panic attack include: Cardiac palpitations, sweating, trembling, difficulty breathing, feeling of choking, chest pain or discomfort, light headedness, nausea or stomach discomfort, losing contact with reality, being detached from oneself, losing control, fear of dying, and

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