
Symptoms And Symptoms Of Schizophrenia

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Introduction Schizophrenias is a serious mental illness characterized by incoherent or illogical thoughts, bizarre behavior and speech, and delusions or hallucinations, such as hearing voices (APA,2015). I choose to touch on the topic of schizophrenia because I always been interested the topic itself. The one thing I wondered is if there are different stages of schizophrenia and why it may be hard to diagnose. Schizophrenia is a mental disease that’s very hard to pinpoint in a person, which makes one wonder how it can be diagnosed and categorized. Therefore creating an open variety of many questions as to what the mental illness does to a person perspective.
Research Viewpoint #1 Schizophrenia is looked at as a very severe mental disease that can effect one emotions and how they may interact with others. The onset set of schizophrenia can happen whenever but can usually be seen in those 15-20 years of age. The first signs of the disorder would be a change in friends, drop in grades, sleep problems and many other nonspecific adolescent behaviors. The reason why it’s so hard to diagnose it in teens is because that’s a time in your life where one is beginning to figure their self out. Therefore it may be hard to pinpoint what is causing them to feel this way which is why one can’t assume they have schizophrenia because of the giving symptoms and characteristic to the mental illness. If is proven the teen does have schizophrenia at such a young age they

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