
Symptoms And Treatment Of A Candidiasis

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6. Discussion Vulvovaginal candidiasis is one of the most prevalent vaginal infections and represents, approximately 40%–50% of all cases of infectious vulvovaginitis . Most episodes of symptomatic disease are acute attacks of VVC. While some women suffer from daily and chronic symptoms of the disease (CVVC), others suffer from recurrent episodes being entirely free between the episodes (RVVC). Therefore, the definition of RVVC requires occurrence of at least 3 symptomatic episodes of VVC in the previous 12 months, although some investigators require 4 symptomatic episodes . Vaginal colonization by Candida spp. occurs in low numbers and follows adherence of Candida to vaginal ECs. Colonization can persist for months or years in healthy women not susceptible to RVVC where Candida lives in symbiotic relationship with vaginal microbiota. The breakdown of this relationship results in symptomatic infection and originates from either favored overgrowth of Candida or defect in host defense mechanisms . Both subjective health status and health related quality of life are markedly reduced during and in between episodes in women with RVVC even in those receiving long term antifungal therapy as recommended by guidelines . Besides, the chronic use of ketoconazole can result in significant side effects such as liver toxicity which is not seen with the more tolerated antifungal agent; fluconazole. However, long term therapy with fluconazole although reduce the rate of RVVC was not

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