
Symptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder 2

Disorder history, In the 19th century psychiatry, mania had a broad meaning of craziness, hypomania was equated by some concepts of “partial insanity” or monomania. Bipolar disorder origins in 1854, Jules Baillarger and Jean-Pierre Falret, independently present descriptions of the disorder to Academie de Medicine in Paris. German neuropsychiatrist Emanuel Mendel in 1881 wrote “that he recommended using words by Hippocrates to name those types of mania that show less severe ‘hypomania’ (, n.d.). Carl Gustav Jung in 1903 wrote a paper about the first diagnostic distinction to be made between manic and depression involving mania followed by the involvement of hypomania. By 1975, Jung’s distinction between hypomania and mania gained support. Fieve and Dunner published an article about only individuals in manic state require hospitalization. The presentation of either the one state or the other differentiates two distinct diseases. This proposition was met with skepticism. Studies have since confirmed that bipolar II is a “phenomenologically” distinct disorder (, n.d.).

Background, Bipolar disorder formerly called manic depression. Causes extreme mood swings and includes emotional highs and lows. Bipolar disorder is a disruptive, long-term condition. Bipolar disorder is controlled by medications and psychological counseling

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