
Synergistic Communication Is The Most Exciting And Empowering Part Of Communication

Satisfactory Essays

1.) The concept that I have acquired and would like to discuss is synergistic communication. This type of communication is the most exciting and empowering part of communication. When true synergistic communication is achieved the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. This creates a positive more enriching whole that is not only empowering but has the opportunity to create something that was not there before. This communication can occur in an individual’s personal or professional life. When this communication occurs there is an opportunity for analytical and open expression of thoughts and ideas. When synergy is present, the individual or individuals’ feel trusted and are able to cooperate positively with no judgement. This type of communication creates a positive emotional bank account with positive deposits over time. For example, Covey was teaching a university class. He noted that in week three, the class had a synergistic emotional revelation. Covey, being the true leader that he is decided to let the class proceed with this emotion. This created trust and cooperation within the classroom. The class decided to write a new syllabus, disregard the old textbooks and started to create a shared vision purpose for the new format. The experience was very positive for the class and for Covey. They all worked as a cohesive unit with the whole being greater than parts. He also noted that after the class was finished they still keep in touch and talk about the experience.

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