
Synnex Corporation Is Directed By Chief Executive Officer Kevin Murai Essay

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Synnex Corporation is directed by Chief Executive Officer Kevin Murai as of early March 2008. The Chairman of the board, Dwight Steffensen has served as a member of the board since February 2002. The board of directors for Synnex Corporation consists of ten board members. Of the ten board members one of which is a female and the remaining nine are males. The most recent Annual Report which documents the 2015 year stated that the company’s net profit totaled $208.5 million. The market capitalization The market capitalization for Synnex as dated on September 28, 2016 is $4,539,150,000 billion. This market capitalization figure is derived because Synnex Corporation has a volume of 39,300,000 million shares and each share is priced at $115.50.
Synnex corp’s last annual shareholder meeting was held on March 24, 2015 at their headquarters located in Fremont, CA, United States. The votes of the shareholders would only be counted if they showed up in person to the meeting or submitted an enclosed, signed and dated proxy card to the company headquarters.

Synnex has an entire page dedicated on their website to show their governance policies clearly. The roles of the board of directors and management are described in detail the benefit shareholders and customers by providing this information because it shows how duties are delegated.

Synnex’s aligns itself with the guiding principles of visibility, velocity and value to always achieve maximum benefit for its customers, employees

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