
Essay On Nosql

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NoSQL databases
Study Report

Nikitha Edunuri

Table of Contents

Introduction III
Abstract IV
Overview of NoSQL V
Data Model VI
Document base model VI
Key-value Stores VII
Graph Stores VII
Wide Column stores VIII
Criteria to be considered IX
Conclusion XI
References XI

I was always inspired by the idea of storing large amounts of structured and unstructured data. Therefore I chose to finish my concentration in Data Management.
I have finished the following courses as my concentration requirement:
• ITCS 6162 Knowledge Discovery in databases
• ITCS 6160 Database Systems
• ITCS 6100 Big data Analytics for Competitive Advantage

The course Big data Analytics for Competitive Advantage has thrown some light about 3V 's Volume, Variety and Velocity at which the data is growing day by day and how this huge data is dealt with. From Knowledge discovery in databases, I learnt how useful data can be extracted from a large pile of unstructured data. In Database systems, I learnt how relational databases ruled for decades.
In this report I am going to discuss about No SQL databases and the criterion that are to be taken into consideration when choosing a database that best supports your product. NoSQL databases enclose a variety of database technologies and was developed in response to rise in volume of data unlike relational databases which were built to handle structured data [1].

Until the last decade choosing a

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