
Synoptics John

Decent Essays

John also includes a great concern for detail specifically in his chronology unlike the Synoptics, truly speaking to his qualifications to write a biblical book (Strauss, 2011, p. 9083). He speaks of “three Passovers (2: 13; 6: 4; 11: 55) and possibly a fourth (5: 1), suggesting a ministry between 2 ½ and 3 ½ years long (Strauss, 2011, 6776). There is also a significant focus on the miracles and ‘signs” Jesus completed during his ministry in this book (Strauss, 2011, 6762). Furthermore, John truly reveals Jesus as ‘the self-revelation” more so than any other book (Strauss, 2011, 6762). He seems to challenge the church for questioning Jesus’ godliness (Strauss, 2011, 6762). Christians are a very “distinct entity” in this book which is not seen in the earlier Synoptics (Strauss, 2011, 9130). Moreover, unlike the Synoptics John includes many “spiritual symbols and metaphors” such as water, bread, light, shepherd, and gates that truly expand the reader’s understanding of Jesus, His ministry, His love and our role in all of it (Strauss, 2011, 7523). No other Gospel speaks in such powerful metaphorical language (Strauss, 2011, 9130). Jesus’ seven “I am” statements truly depict that His sovereignty is “no messianic secret” (Strauss, 2011, 6777). “Jesus is the bread of life, the light …show more content…

6733). As John truly reveals who Jesus is, he provides a “distinct Johannine teaching about salvation” (Strauss, 2011, p. 6733). One could say that John has such a greater inclusion of information because he personally accounted for all that he presented. Thus, answering for the differences found in the Synoptics. It is these inclusions that heavily reveal the severity of walking in the light with God, which is crucial to our faith and effectiveness as

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