I’ve always been an avid lover of sports, but the one sport that has always drawn me in easily is football. I’ve been part of many athletic events in my still young life, but football is by far one of the best. First and foremost, the feeling of playing in an actual football game is unlike any other. Making a big clutch play is one of the best feelings in the world. Finally, winning a hard fought game makes the victory that much sweeter. Let me elaborate a bit.
The feeling of playing in a football game is almost indescribable. You prep yourself mentally for the game before hand, and get into the zone. What I mean by zone is this almost intense state of focus, where all you think about is football, and only football. Once game time approaches, a rush of adrenaline and excitement fill you up as you put on all your gear. As we jog to the field, all I can think about is that I cant wait for the game to start. We do our warm ups and then prepare for the first play. Once everyone lines up in their positions, my mind goes somewhere else. Somewhere completely focused, and all that’s on my mind is the game, and winning. You don’t get distracted or thrown off, you just get even sharper and more focused.
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I was a linebacker on defense, so we got a lot of action. When the other team is running the ball, and you see the ball carrier headed your way, you instantly lock on to him. You move towards him, anticipating his next move, and where he will go. The excitement of making a play begins to creep up on you, but you bury it and continue to focus. He makes one wrong move and jukes the wrong way, and you get your opening. You lower your head, and make a clean tackle for a loss of yards to the opposing team. Once you stand up and that focus fades, you hear the crowd and your team cheering wildly while your name and number is called for making the tackle. Like I said.
Football has a significant impact on all our lives, doesn’t matter if you play it or if you even watch it. Its has an impact on us financially and socially. Football is one of if not the greatest traditions of sport in America. It teaches teamwork. Football is the ultimate team sport. It adds great recognition, revenue, and spirit to college campuses and many different communities around the country. Many writers, scholars, and football coaches have stated that football is a metaphor for life and I truly believe that.
The screaming cheers from the girls on my team drowned out those from the stands, making it seem as if there was no one on the field but us. The lights were blindingly bright, shining down on the field from every direction, causing shadows to of the players to multiply around them. My coach paced back and forth, screaming orders and directions, while my teammates panted their lungs out. Just standing on the sidelines was like a breath of fresh air.
Athletes who play football share the same goal as athletes who play soccer: score the most goals to win the game. In football, there are two areas on opposite sides of the field where one can score points by bringing the football over the goal line. Soccer shares this same concept by having two nets on opposite sides of the field where one can score a point by kicking the soccer ball into the net. Also, both sports share the concept of having an offense and defense, and both sports each have eleven players on a team on the field at a time. These are only few of many similarities between these two sports, but in actuality, they are significantly different. The rules, rituals, and concepts of both sports distinguish
losing especially when we lose by a big margin. At least I tried my hardest and
In addition to teamwork, football also teaches discipline. Discipline is the result of commitment, a love for the task, and passion for the game. These characteristics are usually enforced by infusing commitment, passion, and love for the task while growing up at a young age. Discipline in football controls your goals and accomplishments, which starts on the football field. When team players are disciplined it means that they know what they want (to win games) and they do it the best they know how by perfecting the basic skills, such as, tackling, running and blocking. Some examples of discipline are showing up to practice on time and knowing what job is expected of you on the football team. If you do not know, it can cause your team to lose games. Exercising throughout the year is another example because the player’s body has to be in shape year round.
Football isn’t just about going on the field and playing 4 quarters against another team every week. It’s not just those Friday nights going to watch your high school team play. Football is a brotherhood, it’s your second family. It’s making memories that you will have with you for the rest of your life. It’s the hours of preparation, sweat, tears, blood, bumps and bruises and going back out everyday just to give it your all. Football isn’t just a game that i’ve played it’s something that has shaped me into the person I am today.
I love it when the adrenaline pumps through my veins before every play. I just love sports, and I especially love playing rugby and baseball.
I get my fun and adrenaline in a different way though, I get it through football. The way I feel on the first play of the game is the same way that one might feel as they first sit down at the horror movie that they been longing to see. I can feel all the blood rushing through my body, and I get excited because I do not know what awaits me, and I do not know what's around the corner. I can feel the danger of it I know that I can get hurt but yet I push on because I need the adrenaline that it gives me. The same way that one would push on in a horror film they would not get up and just leave they would stay for the excitement and reward, and that is why I stay; for the reward. I want to know that I concurred my opponent, that I looked at my fear and I faced it.
On the contrary, your team will always be in the defense position when it comes to Linebacker. Additionally, your main objective involves stopping your opponent from scoring a touchdown. The player is hereby required to apprehend and catch the man with the ball. You’re required to use your running skills to catch the enemy fast before he touches the finish line.
heart. I have been a loyal supporter of my local team since I was a
Football is a game of passion, a time when nothing else matters and the only thing that matters is going out there having fun and fighting for the guy next to you. Football has always been something that I loved and had a wild passion for. I’ve made friendships and memories to last a life time and I can always be grateful that football did that for me. Now of course I’ve had some bad memories during football as well, I remember walking out of the film room on the last day of spring ball and having Coach Antle grab me and say “Gage, I think I want to try you at a new position, I want to put you at defensive end. We need you more there and we think you can really excel there.” I remember being so furious, I had played linebacker ever since I could remember and now the last day of spring ball my senior year everything was about to change.
Football remains the most popular sport in America and the ninth most popular sport in the world for a reason. Since its creation in 1869, football has played a fundamental part of American society. Every Sunday, my family along with millions of other Americans turn the television to CBS, NBC or FOX to watch their favorite football team go to battle. My family and I bleed burgundy and gold and root for the home team the Washington Redskins. Americans including myself display great intensity and passion for the game of football and the result of the game often changes my attitude for the better or worse. Watching the game on television may come as exhilarating and entertaining, but playing the game creates the best times. Overall football has made a severe impact on many people’s lives. Football teaches unique lessons in a hands on manner which helps athletes like myself sustain a much more adventurous life. Football has made an immeasurably positive influence upon my life, but the sport has its dangers. Football changes lives.
It all started when I was about three years old when my good friend Anthony Williams and I became friends when he ran his bike into my sand box. Football has been an event in my life since I was three years old and it still is today. “The key to life is not what life gives to you but what you take from life. It’s not how life treats you but how you treat life. You have a choice in life. You can either thrive or survive.”_ Coach London. Football has made me into the person I am today, hard working, and determined.
I can remember two plays vividly. The first was when I played fullback. It was third and long which is more times than not a passing situation, but this time the coach put his faith in me to make the first down. I remember getting the hand off and was running to the left. I got through the hole and saw a defender. I lowered my shoulder and ran over him, but I wasn’t to the first down yet. All of a sudden there were four people on me and I had my mind made up that I wasn’t going to let my team down, so I kept my legs driving carrying people and finally made it to the first down. Right there I knew that I could be a great player. The second play was a defensive play. The opposing team was up by three points and time was running out. The coach yelled from the sideline “We need a play,” so I took it upon myself to be the playmaker. The ball was snapped, it was a toss to my left. I saw the running back sprinting out and I took my pursuit angle. I met him head up and he started to go down and in the back of my mind I heard my coach’s voice and that made me do something I had never done. I stripped the ball out of his hand and ran for a touchdown. My team won. The next phase of my football career was about to begin now, middle school.
Dating back to my early childhood; football at the time was my only love. I breathed, slept and ate football. It started off as just a friendly hobby around my neighborhood up until my tenth-birthday when I joined a little league football team. Over the years I continued to play, it got even more exciting for me when my friends from the neighborhood start joining the team as well. Things suddenly changed for me moving forward into my high school career. Although this was once a fun stress reliever it was becoming the only thing that stressed me out.