
Synthesis Essay On Crayons

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Back when I was in elementary school, if you had the legendary 64 pack of Crayola crayons with a built in sharpener, you were basically the coolest kid in class. Whenever we colored things in, little me would always stare at the pretty colors of those fancy crayons that I never had?. I asked my mom for them every single year when we bought new school supplies and she’d always say no because they were a little overpriced. I was so jealous of the other kids that I could not take it anymore. One day, my mom and I were in CVS and she was busy buying her medication. Her back was turned and I was wandering in the aisles and I just so happened to lay my eyes on that glorious 64 pack of crayons. I really really really wanted those crayons. So, sneaky little seven-year-old me opened the top of the box, and stole the color I had always wanted- Caribbean Green. Now, did I really need to go out of my way and steal that crayon? Did I really need that specific shade of green to color the overly simplistic pictures that I drew in second grade? No. So why? Why did I care so much about something so stupid?
Materialism is especially prevalent in society today. According to the Huffington …show more content…

For example, my friend’s father spent his whole life savings for retirement, and financing things or ideals rather than experiences. He retired last year on July 1st. On August 23rd, he found out he had cancer. He lived for 8 months from the time he was diagnosed. He never got to enjoy all of what life has to offer, because he had always believed that his time would come “later” in life. He had less than 2 months of enjoyable retirement before his life as he knew it was pulled out from under him. My friend, promised her father that she would “be okay” when he was dying in hospice. We both know now that “being okay” will never be dependant on unnecessary possessions. I hope you all will realize that as well, before it is too

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