
Synthesis Essay On Eating Locally

Decent Essays

Eating local is a simple change, but can make a difference in a few aspects. Food is able to stay on the vine longer and grow more nutrients for your body and money you spend locally will recycle through your community. Locavorism is becoming more popular and farmers’ markets a high demand since more people are discovering the benefits of it. Overall, it proves to be better for everyone when you buy and eat locally grown food.

Eating locally grown food is better for you. When food is grown far away, packaged harshly, and shipped in less-than-pleasant conditions, it isn’t as fresh when it actually reaches your family’s dinner plates. Food that travels farther distances doesn’t have the strong vitamins and minerals our bodies need because “[f]ood begins to lose nutrition as soon as it is harvested” (Source B). But local farmers are able to sustain the nutrition by allowing the food to “ripen until the last possible minute on the vine” (Source A), and you receive fresh food with nutritious vitamins and minerals in full. …show more content…

When you buy an apple at a farmer’s market nearby, although you may pay a little extra, your money is well spent on your delicious and nutritious produce, as well as paying that farmer for his hard work. When you buy an apple at Walmart, supposing you may pay less, your money is spent on mediocre tasting produce that was shipped from far away, in a land where Walmart promotes cheap labor. Your money should be spent inside your community because “a dollar spent locally generates twice as much income for the local economy.” But “[w]hen businesses are not owned locally, money leaves the community at every transaction,” according to a study by the New Economics Foundation in London (quoted in Source

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