
Synthesis Essay On If Beale Street Could Talk

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Synthesis Essay With any love comes risk. In the novel, If Beale Street Could Talk, Tish graciously displays how her love, not only for Fonny, but for her mother Sharon, her sister Ernestine, her father Joseph, and Fonny’s family, ultimately leads to her and Fonny both having the life they wanted together. As the story weaves in themes of justice, racism, and prejudice, we see multiple instances of Tish and Fonny loving one another and the people around them, whether it be in casual instances such as the many times they dine at Fonny’s friend’s spanish restaurant, to supporting their friend Daniel during the tough times he faces, to the familial love and support Tish’s family offers up during Fonny’s time in jail. This huge display of …show more content…

This love for her family is perhaps the strongest thing in the book, as it is continually seen in many different instances. Right from Fonny’s arrest, Tish’s family supports her, mainly in the forms of doing everything they possibly can for her, as they do when Ernestine goes and finds Fonny a lawyer, and they decide to help Fonny in the midst of his trouble. Family love is a strong form of love that is the essence of the book. We continually see this love as the book moves on, Fonny even claims multiple times that “they’re the only family he’s ever had,” (Baldwin, 84). The book continues to support the love they all have as a family when Sharon, a timid, quiet woman, goes all the way to Puerto Rico to get the woman that accused Fonny of his crime to change her testimony. Though it takes her a lot, Sharon is able to go and talk to the woman. Despite “the only thing that held her up . . . was her private knowledge of what she is doing in that place,” (Baldwin, 150) as she continually reminded herself that she was doing this because she loves her son in law, Sharon was able to achieves her goals of talking to the woman, though she does end up failing. Tish’s family’s display of love for Fonny dominated much of the book as they all spent tons of time doing everything that they possibly could to help free Fonny. …show more content…

One of the most pure senses of love comes from what is displayed by all of Fonny’s and Tish’s friends as the try and help Tish and her family free Fonny from jail. Fonny and Tish, during Fonny’s stay in jail have become like Source D’s fallen bird. What they both need is for people to come and “lift the fallen bird abandoned on the ground,” (Source D) and as time wears on, that is ultimately what their friends come and do. After Fonny is arrested and they’re forced to give up their loft, Levy, the man renting out the space to Fonny and Tish, calls Tish and tells her that “she can have her money back, anytime she wanted it,” and even tells her that “the loft stays empty until your man gets out of jail.” (Baldwin, 133) While it isn’t much, this act of kindness helps to tie into the central idea that If Beale Street Could Talk is a story about the human capacity to love. Fonny, as we see in Source F, is like the man that is lost at sea. He’s all alone, with sharks, or jailmates, circling him, and desperately needs a friends help. Thankfully, more of Fonny’s friends do help him out of the love they have for their friend, whether their help directly helps him get out of jail, or their help helps his fiance, Tish. We commonly see this in Baldwin’s book, If Beale Street Could Talk, when Tish goes to the spanish restaurant that she and Fonny used to frequently visit. Shortly

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