
Synthesis Essay On Rape

Decent Essays

related to mind and that it is necessary for feminism to be truly a movement for both the gender and not just as womenism.
And the responses to the questions related to rape would blow the mind. 40% chose psychologically hurting a person of any gender, the next 40% chose having power over the person and the last 20% vouched for sexual assault. This clearly proves that rape is not gender oriented. Rape can happen to anyone and everyone; it is much more than physically taken advantage of; mentally, it breaks the person down. A person outside is not the same on the inside. Most of us would agree to it because of various psychological factors, especially the theory of anima and animus by Carl Jung. It just summarizes fairly to anima being a man having a feminine inner personality and animus being a woman having a masculine inner personality. So it is obvious that we can’t be the same person both outside and inside, at least not all the time. Actually with the response to one certain question, Sethe’s death drive has been justified by 60% of the people, true to heart because losing [more like murdering them ourselves] someone close to us especially our daughter and that waiting to be punished willingly by the hands of the apparition of the daughter is what drives a person to the edge, sucking their life slowly out of all the …show more content…

Through psychoanalysis lens, she suffers a lot just be remembering the things and with this lens, we reconnoitered a lot of Sethe’s broken life. In feministic lens, Paul D is a survivor and his issues doesn’t matter there; but through psychoanalysis we get to know how much trouble he went to lock away the pain and also how much deeper the pain penetrated by suppressing more every day until emotions started flooding him; in this lens, we could claim what the people feel is pain but felt through different

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