related to mind and that it is necessary for feminism to be truly a movement for both the gender and not just as womenism.
And the responses to the questions related to rape would blow the mind. 40% chose psychologically hurting a person of any gender, the next 40% chose having power over the person and the last 20% vouched for sexual assault. This clearly proves that rape is not gender oriented. Rape can happen to anyone and everyone; it is much more than physically taken advantage of; mentally, it breaks the person down. A person outside is not the same on the inside. Most of us would agree to it because of various psychological factors, especially the theory of anima and animus by Carl Jung. It just summarizes fairly to anima being a man having a feminine inner personality and animus being a woman having a masculine inner personality. So it is obvious that we can’t be the same person both outside and inside, at least not all the time. Actually with the response to one certain question, Sethe’s death drive has been justified by 60% of the people, true to heart because losing [more like murdering them ourselves] someone close to us especially our daughter and that waiting to be punished willingly by the hands of the apparition of the daughter is what drives a person to the edge, sucking their life slowly out of all the
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Through psychoanalysis lens, she suffers a lot just be remembering the things and with this lens, we reconnoitered a lot of Sethe’s broken life. In feministic lens, Paul D is a survivor and his issues doesn’t matter there; but through psychoanalysis we get to know how much trouble he went to lock away the pain and also how much deeper the pain penetrated by suppressing more every day until emotions started flooding him; in this lens, we could claim what the people feel is pain but felt through different
“Before the rape I felt good. My life was in order. I was getting ready to get married. Afterward everything changed. I kind of lost who I was as a person… "Rape & Sexual Assault. " Safe Horizon. Web. 29 Apr. 2016. This website gives you the definition of sexual assault and rape.
Prison Rape is no secret in today’s society. The American media has portrayed prison rape as a joke (Don’t drop the soap) in countless films, television shows, and in music, but have not realized the extent of how dangerous this crime is. Some cops even use this method as a means to get a confession from a suspect. A major obstacle in solving Prison rape is the notorious under-reporting of the crime. Only 16 percent of prison rape victims report their victimization. Reasons for under reporting are fear of consequences, shame, guilt, embarrassment, and refuse to relive painful details. This paper explores prison rape and its psychological and physical harm to not only inmates, but to society as well. It also discusses recent efforts to
While there are many problems in the world, like poverty, famine, cancer, and an abundance of carbon emissions into the planet, there is one that has been in the back of my mind for quite some time: rape culture. This issue is vastly popular in the world of bloggers and social networking site, tumblr. It’s slowly progressing into an important issue that the public is acknowledging. Reviewing the issue’s historical, social, political, cultural and economic perspectives will entail rape culture’s controversy.
Rape is a serious crime and a huge accusation to make. It is defined in various ways, but can shortly be narrowed down to as nonconsensual sex. This crime causes long- term effects for the victim and the accused. When someone is accused of rape, two sides of the story are to be investigated. If there are two sides, then which side is correct. The one who was accused or the accuser? Campus rape is decided by the universities, while rape outside of that is then, decided in court. Many people are conflicted with this policy in that by having the perpetrator kicked off campus, will not be “justifiable” enough for the victim. Meaning, the victim wants justice by having the rapist locked up, rather than just kicked off campus. In an article by
The biggest challenge facing college students today has nothing to do with education. It has nothing to do with the heavy workload, the stress, or even the unreasonably high costs of tuition (even though that is a close second). The biggest challenge that college students have to face today is rape and sexual assault. Rape is the most common act of crime on college campuses, and is a huge, yet overlooked problem. One in every four college woman will be a victim of sexual assault during her years of study.
Rape is an experience which shakes the foundations of the lives of the victims. For many its effect is long term, impairing their capacity for personal relationships, altering their behaviour and values and generating fear, Temkin (1986:17).
Even though the first amendment states freedom of expression, statistics show rape and sexual assault numbers have risen due to the presence of rape culture in modern society. Rape culture promotes more assaults and violent acts, not only towards women but also towards men. Some evidence rape culture is present in today’s society are rising statistics showing that only three out of a hundred rapists see jail time and that over 17 million American women are victims of sexual assault every year. Rape culture is seen in every aspect of daily American life, even if people do not realize it.
When you think of socks, what comes to mind? Like me, I’m sure you picture the everyday items you wear on your feet to keep them comfortable. In recent times however it appears that socks have become a national topic of debate, with a divided public opinion. How could such a trivial thing become so important to society? A respected teacher at Nelson College for Girls highlighted just how controversial such a small item of attire could be, prompting the wake of what we teenagers believe should be a national, global topic of conversation - rape culture. The issue arose when the teacher made an innocent comment communicating the pornographic and creepy ‘look’ of the thigh-high sock students had been wearing as opposed to regular tights. The specific choice of language implied the socks were an invitation for sexual prejudice; the socks were asking for more than what their wearer was aware. The statement was only a surface layer to a deeper societal issue.
As reported by, feminist criminologists, their perspective of rape and sexual assault differ between liberal and radical feminists. Liberal feminists’ viewpoint in regards of rape as a gender-neutral assault on a persons’ autonomy and mainly focusing on the harm that rape can do to an individual. In contrast, radical feminists describe rape as a subject to be recognised and understood as a major pillar of patriarchy; a social system in which men claim the positions of dominance and control of the central norms and values that are linked with masculinity (Johnson, 2005: p. 4-15). The radical feminists believe that rape is a patriarchal structure within male power, thus displaying the harms that rape can do to an individual and as a group of women. Furthermore, the radical feminists approach view rape as male have the control and authority over the use of women’s bodies, which involves the sexual and reproductive. Hence, this is the core element of patriarchy, Radical feminist believe that rape is one of many forms that connects men’s sexual exploitation and violence, as well as, reinforcing women’s oppression (Whisnant, 2013).
What is rape, and to whom does it happen? Generally speaking, rape is a violent sexual act imposed on a nonconsenting partner that makes you question many things about yourself. Unfortunately the mythology usually surrounding rape is that it only happens to women. The fact is, rape does not only happen to women, but men as well. It is one of the most misunderstood of all crimes, and when the victim is male, understanding why it has happened, is one of the hardest things to comprehend.
Rape also known as sexual assault is having sexual intercourse or any form of sexual penetration against a person’s will or consent. It could be carried out by coercion, the use of physical power or abuse of authority. It is an act many societies, if not all discourage, and attracts different form of punishment in different geographical locations. There are many consequences of rape; some people suffer from depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Suicidal tendencies, and Anxiety Disorder. It was not a surprise when the Mr. Cosby’s alleged case of rapes were waved and flooded to the entire media channels in the USA and other countries. Majority of people can recall number of such cases where some prominent African – Americans were sued
Crimes having to deal with rape are more common than people can imagine. Rape is a crime just as horrendous as 1st and 2nd degree murder. People commit that crime with the intent to hurt someone. There are two different consequences that can go with rape, depending on the outcome of rape.
“Rape is a crime that combines sex and violence, that makes sex the weapon in an act of violence.”(Kimmel 257) Because of this, rape is often traumatic for the victim of a rape.
College-age adults are known to be high risk for sexual violence and most studies show that one in three women have experiences some type of sexual assault whether it was through physical force or harassment. These statics are known by most women on college campuses to ensure that women know and understand that this could happen to them. The issue is more than ensuring that women are aware of how protect themselves and know how to avoid these situations because it shouldn’t even be happening. When women are taught that they should know how to defend themselves we are saying that this type of behavior is normal and inevitable. We should shift from this dynamic and start teaching both men and women that this behavior is completely unacceptable and that sexually assaulting or harassing someone is NOT normal. This paper will mostly focus on incidents of rape and sexual assault on college campuses and what the outcome and reactions of these incidents were.