
Synthesis Essay On Things Fall Apart

Decent Essays

The human race advances through time, with almost no acknowledgement of the downfall they have created for themselves. Through ambition and greed we have begun to destroy the only place we can call home. Since the beginning of time we have fought for land, needlessly spilling blood to achieve pride and satisfaction. The machines we build pollute our land and air, but we continue building. We drain the resources of our land, hungry for wealth and power, but for what? We are wiping ourselves out quicker than we realize and in a matter of time, there will be no trace of human being on planet earth. Earth as we know it is extremely significant to us, yet instead of preserving it we destroy it. We kill and destroy for a “fraction of a dot” in order to satisfy an intense greed and desire. The “rivers of blood spilled by all those generals” are produced in futile attempts to achieve momentary the power (source A). With our “self-importance” way of thought, we burn down the cities of our brethren, and all we desire is more. We war for natural resources in order to build more and last longer. But in reality, we …show more content…

We are able to “easily buy VCRs” from money earned by the coal that was “burnt without filters and scrubbers” not realizing that the “children watching with them have pus flowing from their eyes” (Source A). We are able to get the things we want, for the cost of our clean air, although true that even though we have pollution these machines are only a step forward into the future. According to the cosmic calendar humans have only been on here for about 30 minutes compared to the whole universe (Source B). We still have the whole future ahead of us. But with the path were taking us slowly cut time down and no matter what machines we build it can’t stop the extinction of the human

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