
Syrian Arab Republic : The Country With Ancient And Unique Traditions

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Syrian Arab Republic
Being located in the Middle East, Syrian Arab Republic is truly considered to be the country with ancient and unique traditions longing back to the past centuries. The prominent cultural attractions include such key elements as national cuisine, clothing, and traditions. “The Syrians are gracious and welcoming hosts; you can expect to be treated like a person, and not just a tourist” (Standish, 2010, p.10). Tourists enjoyed the exotic culture of the Syrian people. On the other side, the current life is dramatically developing, changing the existed traditions. Therefore, some representatives of the young generation think that the ancient customs are old-fashioned.
Background Factors
There is no denying the fact that traditions and customs originate under the strong influence of geographical, historical and religious background.
Geographical Background
Geographical position has made a significant influence on the development of Syrian cultural achievements. In fact, Syria was located on the area between Mediterranean ports and Asian trade ways. This peculiarity contributed to economical welfare of the country and, as a result, cultural prosperity (Standish, 2010, p.12). Syria’s climate influenced on the forming national material culture. To illustrate, weather patterns are rather various “across the country, ranging from the hot, dry summers inland to warm, humid summers on the coast; winters are chilly and dry on the coast, and more biting inland, with

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