
Systematic Approach And Thematic Approach

Decent Essays

As the traditional classroom has been evolving the educational landscape has also been altered with technology advancement over the years. Today we learn through using various teaching methods, as we have come to rely more on technology to enhance our learning experience rather than doing the traditional method of just sitting in the classroom and having the teacher be the sage on the stage. During this course I had been exposed to several teaching strategies, but the flip classroom approach and the thematic approach had stuck out to me as those approach could transform the classroom into one that is diverse. The flip classroom approach occurs where the student access instructional content online ahead of the class to perform activities, specifically …show more content…

The disadvantages of this approach are as follows; students could lose interest since they are not motivated and interested in the given topic, there could be issues with the content since the availability of resources are limited to cover every aspect of the topic being administered, students could become unwilling to participate since they are not given a choice of theme and students may score poorly since are they are not as creative as their peers (Carl, n.d.). With the implementation of the flipped classroom and the thematic approach students would no longer conform to the traditional approach where only some students are reached. Students individual needs would be met once those approaches are effectively done in the

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