
T. Elliot's Final Speech In Othello '

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Looking closely at Othello’s final speech in act 5 scene 2, how far do you agree with Ts Elliots assertion that Othello has “ceased to think about Desdemona and is cheering himself up”.

In Act 5 Scene 2, Othello’s tragic flaw is exposed; leaving him vulnerable to the people around him as his integrity and trust in people has been manipulated by Iago.
Ts Elliots assertion that Othello has “ceased to think about Desdemona and is cheering himself up” in Othello is one that can be debated. He has ceased to think about Desdemona by talking of himself in 3rd person, almost distancing himself from the action which he has carried out and that his actions are completely out of character for Othello.
However it can be argued that he isn’t “cheering himself up” as said by Elliots , as Othello says that “threw a pearl away/richer than all his tribe” meaning he valued Desdemona even after his own blindness to her innocence, with Iago not being present allowing him to become resonant in heroic language, attributes we saw of Othello from the beginning of the play. …show more content…

Iago’s manipulative nature is shown here, with his rhetoric a key feature he uses to deceive and exploit characters In the play which enables him to gain mental control over his

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