
TDA 3.6

Decent Essays

Unit 306 Promote equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people Outcome 1 Promote equality and diversity in work with children and young people 1.1 Identify the current legislation and codes of practice relevant to the promotion of equality and valuing of diversity The education act is based towards the school responsibilities towards children with special educational needs. It means schools must provide resources, equipment and extra support to meet the needs of any children. The disability act places a duty on schools to encourage children to participate in all different areas of school life free from harassment and discrimination. It also eliminates barriers to make sure that children can have equal …show more content…

Other children around them may think that they are not able to do certain things especially physical activities so they may leave them out and not ask them if they would like to join in and play. They may be shy to ask them about their disability or they may just be leaving them out on purpose because they are in a wheel chair. This can leave the child feeling very sad and left out. They will feel as though they are different and that they don’t fit in, it can also leave them feeling like they don’t want to come to school anymore. If this was to happen at my school I would intervene and ask them why they won’t let the child join in? I would encourage them to involve the child and explain that they are capable of doing some of the things just like they can and not to be shy to ask about the disability and asking them to join in. By educating them and telling them that leaving the child out you are hurting their feelings and that they wouldn’t like it if they was being left out. I would also inform my teacher so that she could inform their parents so that can explain to them at home also. When a child has a different race or religion it can cause prejudice and discrimination

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