
TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation

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The first thing that needs to be said is that (TENS) Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation is the electrical stimulation of muscle, which is also often referred to myostimulation, a type of procedure that is often used is physical therapy or other rehabilitation techniques. What is more, the two main objectives of electro stimulation of muscles can be explained as a pain relief and muscle rehabilitation.

High frequency or conventional TENS (90‐130Hz) “relieves pain by inhibiting pain in a theory also called “Gate Control ”- related to the blockage of opioids for example at the level of the spinal cord. In addition, “Low frequency” or “acupuncture” TENS (2-5Hz) is the endorphin theory- related to the increase production of your …show more content…

What is astounding, the public, in general tend to believe that TENS is safe, non-invasive, inexpensive and patient friendly intervention. There are some risks associated with the use of electrical stimulation, the main disadvantage of using electrical stimulation is that it does not treat the main disease that cause pain. A number of key issues arise from statement. For instance none of the professionals have not investigated the successful and revolutionary way for treatment of any pain. Research on the effectiveness of electrical stimulation of muscle in alleviating pain is still ongoing and with conflicting results “The challenge is often a lack of high quality studies or a lack of consistency between high-quality studies included in the systematic reviews with respect to clinical population homogeneity, dose of TENS (i.e., location of TENS electrodes, frequency and intensity of TENS stimulation, and frequency and duration of TENS delivery), description of blinding and the influence of analgesic medication” (Vance,2014). Both articles used the same examples about a Cochrane studies in 2009 where they review 12 studies addressing acute pain the authors were not able to reach any conclusion due to the lack of evidence. Also, related to low back pain reduction the reviews did not take in consideration the dosage …show more content…

G. T., Dailey, D. L., Rakel, B. A., & Sluka, K. A. (2014). Using TENS for pain control: The state of the evidence. Pain Management, 4(3), 197-209. doi:

Samuel, S., & Maiya, G. (2015). Application of low frequency and medium frequency currents in the management of acute and chronic pain-A narrative review. Indian Journal of Palliative Care, 21(1), 116-120.

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