
TF-CBT Components: A Case Study

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Support for the instrumentation and its reliability needs to consider factors of the emotional distress of the parent, child’s cognitions related to the abuse, as well as possible stressors such as legal proceedings such as police involvement, child protective services, and legal investigations that may be present, pending or inevitable (Saunders et al., 2004, p. 16). Extra precaution should be in place to enforce confidentiality and circumstances within the treatment plan that may need to involve or adjust for legal actions (Saunders et al., 2004, p. 16). Effective dissemination is needed due to the ‘natural bent’ of mental health clinicians to pick and choose what they use with each client; ensuring appropriately trained clinicians is critical (Saunders et al., 2004). A copy of peer reviewed detailed guidelines can be found …show more content…

TF-CBT has years of proven success when dealing with trauma through empirically supported research (both test and retest) and clinical studies (Kauffman, 2004, 9). The National Advisory Committee included clinical treatment providers, nationally recognized researchers, various project advisors, consultants and well established service providers to assist in evaluating the TF-CBT assessment protocol (Kauffman, 2004, p. 6). The TF-CBT protocol has validity that is been proven sound theoretical basis, generally accepted practice, culturally relevant, no theoretical or empirical evidence known risk, has controlled outcome studies and out comes support continued efficiency and use (Kauffman, 2004, pp. 6-7). A manual on how to conduct the assessment, a proven degree of common service fidelity in treatment, ability to be a reasonable training for clinicians and supervisors (Kauffman, 2004, p. 7). The empirically supported assessment of TF-CBT components includes: Psychoeducation, stress management, narrative construct, cognitive process, parental treatment, parental instruction, family treatment (Kauffman, 2004, p.

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