RIPLEY stated VIRGIL GLISSON told her about his first victim, TONYA with last name of ROBERTSON or ROBINSON. VIRGIL GLISSON was approximately 19 years old and TONYA was approximately 14 years old at the time of an alleged sexual assault. TONYA was from New York, but now lived in Marion or Herrin, Illinois. RIPLEY stated VIRGIL GLISSON called her (RIPLEY) his victim, as well. RIPLEY stated she did not like VIRGIL GLISSON calling her a victim. RIPLEY stated VIRGIL GLISSON tried to talk her (RIPLEY) into a threesome with TONYA. RIPLEY stated she would not do it. RIPLEY stated the cell phone she had with her was a cell phone she purchased after VIRGIL GLISSON went to jail. RIPLEY stated she got the cell phone at the end of November 2016 …show more content…
RIPLEY stated she knew a BROOKLYN MORRISON and a BROOKE MARTIN. RIPLEY stated she believed BROOKE’s mother was BETH MARTIN. RIPLEY stated she did not hang out with BROOKE. Detective Bohm received written consent to search RIPLEY’s cell phone. RIPLEY signed a Permission to Search form. (See attached). Detective Bohm left the interview to download the contents of RIPLEY’s cell phone. After Detective Bohm returned to the interview and gave RIPLEY her cell phone back, RIPLEY was questioned about a photograph of cannabis found on her cell phone. RIPLEY stated the cannabis was ALEX O’NEAL’s. O’NEAL was selling the cannabis out of a house in Elkville, Illinois. O’NEAL was always at FLYNN PACE’s house which was a white house located across from the graveyard. RIPLEY was questioned about her connection with “Big Red” (known to law enforcement as JOSHUA WOOD). RIPLEY stated WOOD stayed overnight at KNIGHT’s residence. KNIGHT and WOOD were close friends because KNIGHT helped WOOD while he was growing up. RIPLEY stated she would provide transportation for WOOD because she was the only person who had a valid drivers license. RIPLEY stated she would transport WOOD to locations in Desoto. RIPLEY stated she gave WOOD rides to JUSTIN PICKETT’s residence. PICKETT lived in the white apartment’s #C across the street from where GARRETT ETHERTON used to live, which was determined to be located on East Main St. RIPLEY stated JUSTIN PICKETT drove a blue car. RIPLEY stated WOOD stayed overnight at PICKETT’s residence more than he did at KNIGHT’s
Officer Pakney told me Vallejos and Lantagne both work at Red Lotus, and while on shift, they saw Perrymore walking through the back parking lot of the Red Lotus, which is on the east side of the restaurant. Vallejos and Lantagne observed Perrymore open the passenger door of a Silver Toyota Sienna WA/DP16293 and enter the van. Vallejos and Lantagne did not believe Perrymore was the owner of the vehicle, so they asked him what he was doing. Vallejos and Lantagne said when Perrymore saw them, he ran away toward Auburn Way S, and that was where they flagged down Officer Jones.
It is undisputed the Vicky's cell phone was stolen from her hand while she was using it in the park on May 27, 2014, in the county of Queens.
Soon after, Travis County DA Rosemary Lehmberg contacted Harle to request an appointment. The judge—who was in the midst of a capital murder trial in his home district—elected to speak to her by phone instead, but he had a court reporter transcribe the exchange, which took place on September 16. During a hearing in Georgetown ten days later, he provided a sealed transcript of the conversation to Morrison, Raley, Jernigan, and Roberts and called a recess during which the attorneys could read it. The transcript contained an earth-shattering bit of information: a pubic hair that had been recovered from Debra Baker’s bed in 1988 did, in fact, match Norwood’s DNA profile.
On 09/23/2016 at approximately 12:00 AM, this Investigator made contact with Mason Hicks (DOB: 01-28-97) at his home located at 4101 E. Baseline Rd. Apt. 1024 Gilbert, AZ. According to Mason, he has been living in the home for the past few days. Mason appeared to be under the influence of marijuana and admitted to being "high."
On 26 June 2017 at 1516 hours, Officers were dispatched to the area of 305 East Penn Street for a theft of a vehicle. Officer were advised the actor was a Rhiannon Meyer and that she had stolen her dad Dodge truck green in color with a plow on the front. and was last seen heading towards Main Street. Officer began to check the area of Main Street, when Unit 191 called out with the vehicle at 100 Pennsylvania Ave, in Shenandoah Heights. Your Affiant (Patrolman William Moyer) along with Patrolman Tyler Dissinger responded to Unit 191 (Chief Livergood) location. At arrival Chief Livergood had MEYER in custody along with the stolen vehicle. MEYER'S was still yelling about someone having a gun in the window of the residence and was not making sense
rest of the food will be canned and used for wintertime feasts. Plans are to
R/s today when she visited the home Quankeya was laying lifeless in the bed. R/s it is unknown if/when Keyanna took Quankeya to the emergency room because she didn’t see any medical documentation. R/s Quankeya also has buries on the right of her face, the right eye is bruised. R/s Keyanna said Quankeya got bruised when she was running the hallway to come and get her.
Upon arrival, I made contact with the victim and owner of the DNA Smoke Shop, identified as Nina Michelle Allen. Allen advised me she noticed that a Tattoo Glass model Water Pipe was missing from the shelf of her store when she arrived at work on 03-14-2017.
Vergennes, Illinois and spoke with Lipe. I explained to Lipe what I was investigating. Lipe said he was an employee of the Illinois Department of Corrections, but was currently on suspension for having his cell phone on his person at work and being too rough with an inmate. I questioned Lipe about his visit to Yates’s residence. Lipe stated he remembered the day. Lipe stated the visit was a brief visit. He said he did not take the purse and did not know who would have. I asked Lipe if anyone left the room alone during the visit. Lipe stated Kistner left the room once, but he did not observe any purse on Kistner’s person when they left the residence or anytime afterwards. Lipe said he dated Erica Parker for a short period of time and he would not suspect her of any wrong doing. During their dating period, Lipe had money and other things of value at his residence and in his truck that Parker left alone. Lipe did not want to speak negative about Kistner because Kistner was a like a brother to him, but Kistner was not currently trustworthy because of his heroin addiction. Lipe said Kistner was not allowed around Lipe’s child because of his recreational drug use. Lipe did not have any other information to give. I cleared the
At 1725 Hrs. Sgt. Taylor was advised that that the parents wanted to speak to an officer in reference to Kaden. Sgt. Taylor received additional information that Kaden may be in further danger due to the criminal element he was involved in, and that he had “snitched”. The parent advised that DPS needed the vin number for an Amber Alert.
In the image, Nesbitt, Jones and Atkins are all in Nesbitt’s truck. Atkins had the .38-caliber, semi-automatic pistol that was borrowed from Dallas pointed at Nesbitt’s head. Jones was operating the wheel of the car and Nesbitt, while terrified for his life, was withdrawing money from his account as instructed too. Within 24 hours, Jones’ mother, Mary Rodgers contacted the authorities and identified her son in the photograph. Others called and identifies Atkins as the gunman. After taking Atkins into custody, he confessed to being involved in the abduction and robbery of Nesbitt. However he denied full responsibility. He told the authorities that Jones was the initiator and that he was simply following his lead. But he killed no one. Unfortunately for him, his account of August 16 was not deemed credible by the prosecutor of the local police department. Atkins had a history of violent crimes, most of them occurring within the past 5 months from the killing of Nesbitt. The most recent was about a week before the events on august 16 transpired. Because of this, both Jones and Atkins were charged with murder in the first
Mrs. Givens (MHS) describe Antazia as bossy and pushy in the home. Antazia is described as a bully in the community. Antazia’s behaviors is calming down in the home and community. Antazia has demonstrated control during interactions with peers and adults.
Officers Burke and McAllister of the Polk County, Oregon Sheriff's office, on the basis of a witness' statement, obtained an arrest warrant for Michael Elstad, who was suspected of burglary. The officers went to Elstad's home and were escorted to his room by his mother. After instructing the respondent to dress and accompany them to the living room, Officer McAllister took Elstad's mother into the kitchen while Officer Burke stayed with the respondent. Without advising Elstad of his Miranda rights, Officer Burke asked him whether he was aware of the officer's reason for wanting to talk with him, and whether he knew Mr. and Mrs. Gross (the victims). Elstad stated that he knew the Grosses, and that he'd
It was a sunny July afternoon. All was silent except for a few birds singing. The silence was soon broken by the cries of a new baby boy. The time was 12:02pm and Justin Thornburg was born. July 14, 2001, was a life changing event for his proud parents Melissa and Chris Thornburg. Justin weighed a stunning 7lbs and 10.5oz. Justin was the second son of soon to be three. As time went on Justin grew and had dreams of changing the world.
I responded to 103 Martha George Hall in reference to a suspicious circumstance call. Upon arrival, I spoke with Daron Warren. Warren stated that he left his residence around 17:30 on this date, when he arrived back he noticed footprints in his living room. The footprints led to the bathroom area. Warren also advised that he didn’t notice anything missing. There were no signs of forced entry to the residence.