I am a frequent traveler and a loyal customer of your airport. On Monday June 26, 2017 I was traveling through United Airlines in terminal C on flight number 1890. Unfortunately, during TSA check around 9:30 am and 9:50 I lost my all black velcro back support belt, 2 pens, and three old envelopes with cash inside of them. Although TSA claims that the items were not returned to the lost and found, I suspect that the items were stolen. The envelopes had approximately 3,000 dollars inside. Anybody could have stolen the money, TSA staff member or a passenger. Is there any way to get video footage during the time I went through TSA? A few years ago my laptop was stolen at TSA; they were able to use the security cameras to identify the person
I'm investigating an incident occurred on Nov 11, 2015, at Modells store 1518 Benning Rd NE, Washington, DC. One of employee, Mr. Stuart Anderson was assaulted by an individual. I'm trying to ascertain if there is digital video footage on the day of the incident, Nov 11, 2015 between 2:50pm -
Porter Airlines is facing with wide array of stakeholders, from its investors to public stakeholders which are three members of the tripartite agreement and NGOs. Apparently investors would be supportive of Porter Airlines (as we discussed in KQ1) and Toronto Port Authority (TPA) would also be supportive. TPA has strong incentive to support Deluce’s objectives as it is operating at loss and on the verge of losing subsidies. It is highly organized to pursue its agendas because not only it is an independent federal agency, but also it has already negotiated with Porter Airlines, promising landing slots in return for the investment in the airport. Another member of the agreement and also highly organized, Toronto City Council (TCC)’s position
With the plans to end DACA, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, the fear of deportation has increased amongst Godinez Fundamental High School students and their families.
“They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people,” per President Trump about Mexico. A massive understatement, as one study indicates that an increase in immigrant concentration in American cities may even lead to a decrease in crime (MacDonald). Yet, a problem remains. Illegal immigrants have broken the law to be in the United States (US), even if they have committed no other crimes while in the US. That said, programs like Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program that reprieves the children of illegal immigrants from deportation and allows them to receive work permits, encourages immigrants to illegally seek refuge in the US. More problematic, the program is fleeting and, in the long run, does not provide undocumented immigrants with the protection they truly need.
12 billion dollars, that is certainly a lot of money (McFadyen)! On average, that is how much the United States loses each year from border security. In order to stop illegal immigrants and drug smugglers from entering the U.S. from Mexico through the border, a wall must be built.
In the year of 2017, it is hard to find any person whose life does not revolve around their electronic devices. The Internet has changed the way people function, and become a crucial resource in schools, workplaces, and homes all over the world. There are people who feel they could not survive a day without it, and, of course, there are people who are wary of its dangers. Children are taught from a young age to tread carefully when using the Internet, and teenagers can recite lectures they have received from their parents time and time again: “Don’t talk to strangers,” “Be careful what you download,” and most importantly, “Never share your personal information online.” What most of these parents do not know, however, is that you do not have to share your personal information for it to be collected. Not only is your information collected without your consent—it can legally be used against you. Many statutes involving Internet surveillance were rudimentary and non-invasive at their creation, but on October 26th, 2001, everything changed. The Patriot Act was signed into law, just forty-five days after the horrifying terrorist attack on the Twin Towers. The USA PATRIOT Act, more commonly known as the Patriot Act, was not a single piece of legislature, but a package of amendments to preexisting laws. The most notable changes in the Patriot Act are the amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978 (FISA), the Electronic Communications Privacy Act of 1968 (ECPA),
One of the worst, yet momentous events in U.S history occurred on September 11th, 2001. This event released a flow of patriotic fervor and a permanent fear among all Americans that they had also now become suspect to acts of international terrorists. This led to a lot of changes in the attitudes of the executive and legislative branches in the United States government. They came up almost immediately with new measures, which were supposedly against terrorism or terrorist threats. One of the principle acts passed by them was called "Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to intercept and Obstruct Terrorism Act of 2001," also called the USA Patriot Act. This was signed and approved as law
September 11, 2001 was the day where everything in America had changed. A series of four terrorist attacks destroyed the World Trade Center and the Pentagon. As a reaction to this, Congress passed the Patriot Act, severely limiting citizen’s civil liberties as promised by the Constitution. American’s civil liberties and constitutional rights cannot be denied and/or put into jeopardy to protect national security, for it goes against American ideals and may persecute non-partisan individuals, while allowing the executive branch to unconstitutionally abuse their power.
The article “Here’s what United will do differently after the infamous dragging incident”, written by Kristine Phillips and Avi Selk (2017), describes the aftermath of the incident where a United Airline passenger was forcibly removed from an airplane to open a seat for an off-duty crew member. This event was a disaster for United and fueled public anger toward United, even “international outrage” (Phillips & Selk, 2017). This issue has caused United Airlines to change their policies by requiring off-duty crew members to “check in at least an hour before the flight leaves” (Phillips and Selk, 2017) and once the airplane has been boarded, the passengers cannot be removed, unless it is for safety reasons.
Stop and frisk is a tactic designed for reducing crime by allowing police officers to stop and search individuals that may seem suspicious. This law allows police officers to search individuals only if they have reasonable suspicion that a crime might occur or if the suspect is carrying anything illegal or dangerous. Between the years of 2002 and 2016, there have been 5 million stop and streets interrogations, and nine out of 10 individuals who were stopped have been completely innocent (“Stop-and-Frisk Data”). With that being said, stop and frisk should not continue to be a policing tactic because it is ineffective, it gives too much power to police officers, and promotes racial profiling.
Everyone with a moral compass believes that the Nazis are bad. However, fighting them doesn’t make you or your cause good. Jonah Goldberg struggles to employ pathos, however, he employs ethos, logos, and kairos to successfully highlight why Antifa is no better than their alt-right enemies to persuade American adults along with those who blindly support Antifa, in his article “The Alt-Right is Bad – And So Is ‘Antifa.’”
However, like language barriers, let me tell you about the troubles that come with transportation. You could rely on public transportation, but it seems as if it could be frightening for most immigrants if you are unable to speak English. My father once told me a story about his friend Mike, who worked in Champaign, IL in the International Rescue Committee, and one of Mike’s clients lived in a rural town where there wasn’t any traffic signs or paved roads. Mike recognized that due to her limited English, she might have needed assistance on how to take the bus to get to her appointments. Mike accompanied the women on how to get to her next appointment and figured she would be fine on her own from there. About a week later, Mike received
I think that DACA is a good starting point, but that we need something more permanent and robust, including items such as providing an actual path to citizenship. The newest president’s decisions have shown just how temporary DACA is/was for those who have chosen to come out of the shadows with who they are. I think that it is completely wrong to decide that a generation that were brought to America as children, that grew up knowing this country as their home, should be treated so carelessly or as some sort of political sandbag, as one article put it. This program gave so many people a chance to go to college, get a bank account, a driver’s license, a car or home, and generally feel a little more like everyone else.
DACA (sometimes called the Dreamers law) allowed people that came to the U.S. illegally as children to stay. Some people say those immigrants should be allowed to stay because they didn’t choose to come to America illegally and have only known America as their homeland. Others say their plight is sad, but the law is the law. Although the DACA program helps a few, this program should be dramatically changed because illegal immigrants can come here and not pay taxes while they get free healthcare and financial aid.
The travel ban is an executive order which was put into place by President Donald Trump’s administration on January 27th, 2017. The order was put into place for our national security to “protect the nation from foreign terrorist entry into the United States.” This measure banned travel into the U.S. for 90 days from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. This obviously sparked an outcry from social media, which caused a divide among Americans. With a show of hands, how many of you think that the travel ban is actually a ban on Muslim refugees and that it is racist. Recent polls show that 57% of Americans favor the temporary ban while 33% are opposed to it, and 10% are still undecided. Racism, fascism, and Islamophobia; these words have all taunted supporters of President Trump and the travel ban. The one thing people don’t realize is that the travel ban isn’t banning Muslims from America. Who in the room can name the top 5 countries with the most Muslims. They are Indonesia, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nigeria. Not one of these countries are listed in the ban. This ban is only for only ninety days, and is aimed at countries who have sent a large contingency of terrorists to the U.S. The countries selected have active terrorist training camps, and Trump is not the individual who selected the countries on the list. These countries are unstable, with no reliable vetting procedures. We shouldn’t admit people until they can meet our security screening standards.