Mrs. Rowden is currently working at TTUHSC as a full time employee teaching sections of maternal/newborn promotion and assessment, health promotion and assessment, and also pediatric primary care. Haley helps to teach in the simulation/clinical portion of these classes as well. Mrs. Rowden is a dual role faculty member being the Retention Counselor for the Lubbock cohort of 2nd degree students. What this means is once the student is in the program she helps them to remain in. She does this by offering one on one tutoring sessions, review sessions on any given topic in nursing school such as foundations, OB, pharmacology, mental health, etc. Haley does all this while she herself is still in school to become a Nurse Practitioner.
Prior to her current role, she worked as an Assistant Director of Nursing for over 5 years at Sun Air Convalescent Hospital and a Sub-Acute coordinator for 1 year. She has been working now at Berkley Valley Convalescent Hospital as Director of Nursing for over 20
On November 1st, 2016 I had the opportunity to conduct an interview with Katherine M. Sawyer RN, BSN of Owosso, Michigan. Katherine, a female nurse who has worked in the nursing field for thirty-six years began her nursing career at Ingham Medical where she was a full-time staff-nurse for three years; then worked as a per-diem staff-nurse for eleven years. After working at Ingham for a total of fourteen years, Katherine obtained a position at Memorial Healthcare in Owosso where she worked as a nurse educator for fifteen years. Shortly after this she became a Basic Life Saving (BLS) instructor as her main role as a nurse educator was to provide nursing orientation and this additional role fit in perfectly. After some time she became involved in Quality Improvement for four years, and she has now switched back to the nurse educator role where she once again has the role of nursing orientation for Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs), and Patient Care Techs (PCTs). The number of staff she teaches and orientates each month varies between one and ten individuals. She also teaches BLS and First Aid at Baker College of Owosso. Her contact information is as follows: Phone number (989) 413-1974 and e-mail address The purpose of this paper is to inform the reader of Sawyer’s role in the nursing profession as a nurse leader. Individuals will learn of Sawyer’s many different roles, responsibilities, and the organizational structure of Memorial
The training and development of employees in William Hill is imperative for the performance or the company as they are in a competitive market. William Hill has to inform workers to be aware of surroundings in the area that they work. Training and Development Training
She always knew that she wanted to be a teacher but before becoming a teacher at the University of Rhode Island she worked in a Pediatric Hospital. She then did private practice in a doctor’s office, became a part time teacher at URI for 2 ½ years and this is her first year full time at URI.
The resources I chose to help people with workplace training was Canada Social Development Services and Canoshweb. Canada Social Services help inform citizens about workplace safety and tells them what they are allowed to do, depending on the problem. It also informs the user about the rights they have and what they can do to get some help if any of these are being violated. It also lets the worker know what they can say if any of their worker rights are being violated, furthermore this website expands on your rights, and what is safe to do and what is not safe to do and how you can tell if it is safe or not. Also it lets the user know what their duty as a worker is and what they can or cannot do.
Ashley is a nurse practitioner at the hospital. She must care for patients that she is assigned to. Ashley has been employed for eight months at the hospital. She had previously went to a two-year nursing program at West Penn that was 210 hours over the course of seven weeks. She had to go through a prerequisite at CCAC of two clinicals. She is planning on going back to school in the fall to get her bachelor’s degree. Her long term goals are to be admitted into PITT’s medical program to become a midwife, where you deliver babies. She looks forward to gaining more experience to
Nurse Educator Interview-Leslie Hinson The purpose of the nurse educator interview, is to get an idea of the credentials that are required for a nurse educator, research the responsibilities of being a nurse educator, learn the personal path of a current nurse educator along with finding out the accomplishments and joys of their job as an educator, and to determine what has influenced me in the interview to continue with my path of becoming a nurse educator. I will be discussing what I learned from Leslie Hinson, who is the Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) at Methodist Specialty and Transplant Hospital in San Antonio. I will be discussing her credentials, responsibilities, personal path, challenges of the current role, accomplishments and what I have learn and taken from the interview of Leslie Hinson. Leslie’s contact information is: office (210) 575-8731, office cell (210) 788-4065, and her email address is
For this assignment I was able to interview Regina Bowman RN, BSN. Her current position is that of the Director of Medical Surgical Nursing. Her position places her over top of seven nursing units between two facilities. Regina graduated from the Mercer Medical School of Nursing in 1979 with her diploma in nursing. The Mercer medical school of nursing is still in operation although it has been renamed the Capital Health School of Nursing. Her return to school started after graduation. She enrolled at Mercer County Community College to obtain her Associates. Secondly she attended La Salle University and received her Bachelor’s in Nursing in 2003. Lastly she is currently enrolled at the Thomas Edison State University, and has a
Conditions are deteriorating in the prison system as overcrowding and recidivism have reached an all-time high. Prison requires employees to be trained to provide services to the offenders, throughout the individuals process of change, it is expensive, and never an easy task. The proposed training will assist correctional, probation, and social workers in providing T4C intervention to offenders in the criminal justice system and to those who are on probation. The intended audience of this grant is but not limited to probation, parole, juvenile officers, social workers, supervisors, training directors, and others who work for the state of Nebraska in the adult and youth justice settings Specifically, the probate court, correctional agency,
Ensuring Personnel trainers are properly certified is essential at the University of Arizona. That said, the American Council of Exercise (ACE) has four core-accredited certifications recognized by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA), which was created in 1987 by the National Organization for Competency Assurance (NOCA). The NOCA is not affiliated with the government and is a non-profit organization that certifies programs or organizations in a number of occupations including athletic training and fitness, to help ensure the overall health, welfare, and well being for athletes at Universities throughout the United States. The NCCA oversees certification procedures, etiquettes and operations, and regulates if the
Kendra Chappell is a clinical shift manager (CSM) in the emergency department at Forsyth Medical Center (FMC). According to their website, Forsyth Medical Center is a 921-bed, not-for-profit, regional medical center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, that offers a full range of medical, surgical, rehabilitative and behavioral health services (About us, n.d.). FMC has earned magnet designation from the American Nurses Credentialing Center (About us, n.d.). Kendra has twenty years of nursing experience including working as a Practical Nurse before obtaining her Register Nurse degree 15 years ago. She was a staff nurse in the emergency department for ten years before being promoted to CSM. She has earned a bachelor of science in nursing at Appalachian State University and is a Certified Emergency Nurse. She is certified in basic life support, advanced cardiac life support, pediatric advanced life support, trauma nursing core course, and emergency nursing pediatric course, certifications that are required of all emergency nurses at FMC. Kendra oversees the 81 bed FMC emergency department from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. She supervises 25 to 30 nurses and 10 to 15 nursing assistants throughout the course of each shift.
Diane Rawlinson applied to be a correctional counselor in Alabama in 1977, but her application was rejected due to her not meeting the statutory minimum weight requirement of one hundred-twenty pounds (Yiyang, 2012). Rawlinson submitted evidence exposing that Alabama’s height and weight standards would dismiss forty percent of the female population nationwide but less than one percent of the male population (Yiyang, 2012). The Supreme Court ruled in favor of Rawlinson citing there is sufficient evidence to support the statutory requirements had a disparate impact on female applicants (Yiyang, 2012). The defense argued that the imposed height and weight standards were strength related, but the courts refuted that argument due to inadequate
J.W. first began her nursing career after she graduated from Truman State University with a BSN. She then went back to school at Webster University and graduated with a master’s degree in both health services management and nursing. After working in clinical positions for many years, she decided to return to school one last time to obtain her EED in higher education leadership from Lindenwood University. After her graduation from Truman and Webster, she began working on a medical surgical floor and mostly conducted surgeries on hips and shoulders. She did that for about nine months, but decided to switch since her work was very physically demanding. She stated, “Then I went to a different town and I worked in ICU where I was a head nurse in the step down unit and dialysis unit for a while” (Personal communication, 10/19/2017). She then
Reynolds at Baylor Scott & White Health. Furthermore, my past colleague was surprised to hear that she made an impact in my life on wanting to pursue a role as an educator, not to mention, Mrs. Reynolds held a position as a Regional Professional Education Development Specialist at Baylor Scott & White for the past two years. Moreover, Sherry continued to emphasize on how the facility was distinguished as one of the highest nationally recognized awarded hospitals for excellence in clinical nursing care (S. Reynolds, personal communication, April 16, 2018). To illustrate, nurse educators promote inquisitiveness in the learner which allows an invitation for growth leading towards opportune measures for staff to build a strong foundation in their current healthcare practice. Sherry continues to add, more importantly, mentoring clinical staff nurtures the individual to strive to diligently administer care towards patients in a holistic, compassionate approach, while placing emphasis on safety quality outcomes (S. Reynold, personal communication, April 16, 2018). Furthermore, I was invited to stay most of the day to shadow the nurse educator at her place of employment, granted my expectations were just to have a quick visit then head back home to San Antonio, but turned out to be an enlightening, interactive, day in the life of an educator in a clinical healthcare
Employee training programs are important in a business' success. Without an effective training program implemented the business could suffer from confused employees, ill direction and incompetence. The new employee can only excel further when taken through a properly planned training program.