
Taay 2/Triage Episode In Emr-Teisha

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Hi all – I know it has been a challenging time with the closing of TAY 2/Triage by the end of this month. I want to thank you for your patience and diligence as we are in this transition period. As you all know – we had some difficulties with clients discharging in TAY 2 /Triage and opening in TAY 1 in the EMR. To prevent future issues and assist to make the process easier -- Teisha and I thought it would do us well to email instructions. 1) Moving forward – for any clients that are closing in TAY 2/Triage and opening in TAY 1 please turn in both discharge/opening packets together. This will assist with a smoother/faster opening process. 2) I find this one super important – once you have completed your discharge process (e.g. discharge packet -- discharge summary, TAY COR, etc..) and know that the client is re-opening in TAY 1 -- please do not enter any more notes into the TAY 2/Triage episode in EMR. 3) …show more content…

Mansoor when the client has successfully opened in EMR under TAY 1 and you can begin entering notes again. 4) After you are given permission to enter notes into EMR again – all staff members on the client’s case can enter notes for their client. There is no need to wait for the primary clinician to begin entering notes into EMR TAY 1 episode first. Please follow the instructions closely. I will be going on PDL this FRI and will not return until 7/13. Brian Wagner and Monika Green will be covering for me and I would like this process to go as smooth as possible for TAYP and the QA department. I will be at a QA summit on WED (6/22), but will be available by email sporadically – so please email me if you have any questions regarding the process. Below is the list of clients that are being transitioned to TAY 1 where they are in the

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