
Taiga Biome: Tropical Rainforest

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Taiga Biome

The world is made up of many different biomes. They all differ in climate, animals, plants and terrains. The two main biomes are terrestrial and aquatic. The main terrestrial biomes are:

Tropical Rainforest
This biome is the wettest of all the other terrestrial biomes with an average rainfall of 200 - 1000 cm of rain! The average temperature ranges from 27 to 32 degrees celsius. The trees can grow up to 30 metres tall, creating a canopy blocking out the sunlight. Most of the animals live in the canopy. The plants have shallow roots. The rainforest is home to insects, reptiles, arachnids, birds and mammals.

Deserts are characterised by their harsh climates, little rainfall and the small amount of life it supports. There …show more content…

They don’t have any trees because there isn’t enough rain and fires are common. Small shrubs and of course, grass, are the main forms of vegetation in this biome. Grasslands usually receive around 50-75cm of rain per year. The soil is extremely fertile. The grassland is home to animals like cheetahs, leopards, lions and tigers. Grasslands are also home to rodents, zebras and birds.

The chaparral biome is distinguished by the hot, dry climate. The temperature in winter is usually around 10 degrees and summer with temperatures around 0-48 degrees. The plants are short with strong leaves that hold onto moisture. Animals usually hunt at night to avoid the scorching heat of the day. The animals that live in the chaparral are insects, bird, coyotes, deer and jack rabbits.

Temperate Deciduous Forest
Temperate deciduous forests are made up of deciduous trees, meaning they lose their leaves every year in winter and grow them back in spring. Summer temperatures are around 20 degrees while winter temperatures can reach well below freezing. The annual rainfall is around 75-150 cm. This biome is home to many different types of birds and mammals.

Temperate …show more content…

It extends across Canada, Alaska, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, northern Kazakhstan, northern Mongolia and northern Japan. The taiga biome is also known as coniferous forest or the boreal forest, and is located underneath the tundra biome or at cold, high elevations such as areas surrounding mountains.

The taiga is mainly conifers trees, which are trees like pine, white spruce, hemlock and douglas fir. Conifers trees are evergreen, meaning they don’t lose their leaves during winter making it easier for them to soak in sunlight. The taiga biome has less species of plants and animals than other biomes due to extreme weather conditions and short growing season. Winters last for up to six months and temperatures are usually below freezing. Fires are common in the taiga, burning away old trees and making room for new ones to grow. The annual precipitation for the taiga biome is around 25-75cm. It falls as snow in the winter and rain in the summer. The soil in the taiga is thin, lacking

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