Taiga Biome
The world is made up of many different biomes. They all differ in climate, animals, plants and terrains. The two main biomes are terrestrial and aquatic. The main terrestrial biomes are:
Tropical Rainforest
This biome is the wettest of all the other terrestrial biomes with an average rainfall of 200 - 1000 cm of rain! The average temperature ranges from 27 to 32 degrees celsius. The trees can grow up to 30 metres tall, creating a canopy blocking out the sunlight. Most of the animals live in the canopy. The plants have shallow roots. The rainforest is home to insects, reptiles, arachnids, birds and mammals.
Deserts are characterised by their harsh climates, little rainfall and the small amount of life it supports. There
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They don’t have any trees because there isn’t enough rain and fires are common. Small shrubs and of course, grass, are the main forms of vegetation in this biome. Grasslands usually receive around 50-75cm of rain per year. The soil is extremely fertile. The grassland is home to animals like cheetahs, leopards, lions and tigers. Grasslands are also home to rodents, zebras and birds.
The chaparral biome is distinguished by the hot, dry climate. The temperature in winter is usually around 10 degrees and summer with temperatures around 0-48 degrees. The plants are short with strong leaves that hold onto moisture. Animals usually hunt at night to avoid the scorching heat of the day. The animals that live in the chaparral are insects, bird, coyotes, deer and jack rabbits.
Temperate Deciduous Forest
Temperate deciduous forests are made up of deciduous trees, meaning they lose their leaves every year in winter and grow them back in spring. Summer temperatures are around 20 degrees while winter temperatures can reach well below freezing. The annual rainfall is around 75-150 cm. This biome is home to many different types of birds and mammals.
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It extends across Canada, Alaska, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Russia, northern Kazakhstan, northern Mongolia and northern Japan. The taiga biome is also known as coniferous forest or the boreal forest, and is located underneath the tundra biome or at cold, high elevations such as areas surrounding mountains.
The taiga is mainly conifers trees, which are trees like pine, white spruce, hemlock and douglas fir. Conifers trees are evergreen, meaning they don’t lose their leaves during winter making it easier for them to soak in sunlight. The taiga biome has less species of plants and animals than other biomes due to extreme weather conditions and short growing season. Winters last for up to six months and temperatures are usually below freezing. Fires are common in the taiga, burning away old trees and making room for new ones to grow. The annual precipitation for the taiga biome is around 25-75cm. It falls as snow in the winter and rain in the summer. The soil in the taiga is thin, lacking
Biomes are appropriate conditions for organizing the natural world because the organisms that live in them common constellations of adaptations, particularly the climate of each of the areas and the characteristic vegetation types that develops in these divisions. It should be understood that the climate is perhaps the most important in determining classes of individuals who may live in an area and the ways they should be amended to live under different conditions of temperature and precipitation and seasonal distribution of these factors element. Every place on Earth has its own climate, influenced by both macroclimate regions as the particular microclimate. The soils are very important because they are essential to determine the types of plants that will grow into a bioclimatic zone in partical, in addition, also as substrates for animals serve. In turn, the soils are heavily influenced by regional climate, as well as the geology of the bedrock. At the same time we have to keep in mind the diversity of plants like the flora just like the diversity of the fauna as well as the adaptation of both.
All reading is conducted orally with corresponding pictures, and various activities and graphic organizers are completed whole class and individually throughout the reading process. This module contains nine lessons and covers the following habitats: Arctic (Arctic tundra and Arctic Ocean), Sonoran Desert, East African savanna, temperate deciduous forest (Great Smoky Mountains), tropical rainforest (Amazon rainforest), freshwater, and saltwater, as well as habitat destruction and endangered
The Wild Taiga in Finland- This historic place is home to the Taiga’s beautiful nature. Enjoy crystal blue waters, and in the winter months enjoy touring the Esker Valleys which were said to be formed during the time of the Ice Age.
The tundra biome is the coldest and harshest biome in the world. For most of the year the tundra is snow covered with an average temperature of -30 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter and 37 to 54 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer. The yearly average rainfall is 6 to 10 inches due to all the melting snow that covers this biome. The tundra is usually treeless and can be found in the artic and the tops of mountains. Sedges, reindeer moss, liverworts, grasses, foliose lichen, and crustose are all plants that live in the tundra. To survive some plants must use photosynthesis at colder temperatures. Plants use a shallower root system to combat the effects of permafrost, they also change their reproductive process because of the short growing season.
Tundra biomes are located in the region just south of the Arctic ice caps, the high mountain tops of North America, Europe, Siberia, half of Canada and most of the Alaskan coast. The summer last 6 to 10 weeks on average and does not get warmer than 50 degrees. In winter the temperature ranges from -20 degrees to 20 degrees. The climate is unusually dry and cold with the rain averaging no more than 10 inches yearly that includes the melted snow. The dry and strong makes the tundra an extreme weather biome. However, there are few trees in the tundra and even smaller vegetation that are capable of growing in a tundra. You most commonly can find dwarf shrubs, grasses, mosses and lichens. Some of the animals that thrive in the tundra are the Arctic
Firstly, we are going to survey life and environments at the Sonoran Desert with temperatures reaching 118℉ with over 16 inches of rain each year in total. The Desert
The first biome I am going to discuss is the Central Prairies and Woodlands biome. This biome is located in the middle of biome 2 and 3 covering all of the coastal area from the Gulf of Mexico. The precipitation gradient in this area is the highest in the state of Texas. Averaging from 75-115 cm/yr. this concludes that it’s a high precipitation area which means that the land in that area is green and hydrated. Since this biome extends from the south were the coast is all the way to the top of eastern Texas the temperature varies depending on the location you are looking at the further north its colder and the more south you go the hotter, humid it gets. The kinds of plants that are in this regions are mostly tall green
The physical environment has three different climates, the heights, steppe, and desert zones. The climate of the heights has an average temperature between 43 to 50 degrees with an annual rainfall from 16 to 27 inches with a growing season of 95 days. The steppe zone has an average temperature range from 45 to 50 degrees with an annual rainfall of 12 to 16 inches and the growing season averages 147 days. The desert zone temperatures average 50 to 60 degrees with an annual rainfall rage from 7 to 11 inches and the growing season averages 173 days.
The GTA is located in the southern Ontario potion of the Deciduous Forest Biome. The Deciduous Forest Biome extends across Ontario and into the Maritime provinces (Course Manual 19). In the portion of the biome where the GTA is located, the temperature ranges from -12 degrees celcius to over 20 degrees celcuis (Course Manual 19). Its recieves an average of 250 centimetres of snow and 75 centimetres of rain per year (Course Manual 21). The GTA recieves a broad spectrum of weather with multiple winter storms and summer heat spells common throughout the year. Due to the ideal growing season and abundant nutrients, the Deciduous Forest Biome is home to a number of diverse plant and animal species. Unfortunatly, due to large populations and human influences, the biomes forests are threatened with never ending agricultural development and urban expansion. High population rates also impact waste disposal, healthy drinking water, pollution and overfishing (Course Manual 23). In fact, this compact area of the Deciduous Forest Biome has the largest negative impact on climate change in all of
The total annual precipitation in the park is 1494.6mm. As seen in the outer region of my poster, heavy snowfalls can be often found during the winter due to a large amount of precipitation. Areas with higher elevation tend to be cooler thus producing more snow within those areas (for example the mountains). This causes a very active avalanche zone within the park. July is the warmest and driest month with minimum amount of snow (depending on the elevation), which can be found in the center of my poster. However, as the months progresses, the temperature often becomes cooler (which is why the winter dominates the summer in my poster). The average temperature in January is -9°C and 20°C during
The tropical rainforest biome is an ecosystem covering around 6% of the Earth’s surface and being a home to over 50% of the plant and animal species. These environments are hot and humid all year round, with the average amount of rainfall being 250cm per year. The temperatures in a rain forest minimum tends to be around 20OC with the temperature not rising above 34OC regularly. Tropical rainforests are found spanning from both sides of the equator between the tropic of Cancer and the tropic of Capricorn meaning rainforests are in Central and South America, Southeast Asia, Africa and Australia.
Weather includes short summers and long snowy winters. There are many granitic outcroppings, talus slopes, and boulder fields, and herbaceous plants; they need to flower and produce seeds during the short frost-free summer. (Yosemite, n.d.) This Zone may not seem important because of the fact that no trees and few vegetation grow here, but it is just as important to the animals as the other forest and zones.
The Aquatic biome is the most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth. It’s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one-thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater and marine
A biome, also known as life zones, consists of all plants, animals, and other organisms, as well the physical environment in a particular area. A biome is characterized by its’ plant life, climate, and location. The climate and physical features determine the boundaries of a biome. A biome is made up of many different ecosystems. The ecosystems tend to have the same pants and animals as neighboring biomes around the boundaries. The major biomes are the tundra, taiga, tropical rain forest, temperate forests, desert, grassland, savanna, chaparral, and marine. Each biome has it’s own characteristics such as the tundra.
Ghandi, John Calvin, and Martin Luther King Jr, just a few examples of some truly motivated and determined rebels against society or even entire governments in their days. Fighting for a cause they believe and were all willing to die for. People like them are true role models of mine, and they help keep me encouraged as I myself know truly that I would without a doubt, fight for freedom of speech for all, regardless of what anyone may say.i