
Take Home Final Parts A And B

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Take-home Final Parts A and B
Kilin Ung
Theology 105-B - Fr. George
According to the Judeo-Christian tradition, who or what is God?
In Judeo-Christian tradition God created the cosmos and he said it was good. God created everything. “Yahweh” is a form of God’s name in Hebrew which is best translated to “I am who I am”. God is this mysterious divine spirit that was created before time and lives forever. God is the “tremendom”, the holy, fearful and overwhelming mystery that people can only wonder about and try to wrap their heads around. Jews and Christians believe that human beings are created in the image of God. Everyone is created perfect and equal despite physical appearances. Humans have free will like God. In a way we are god over ourselves in the way that we govern and make decisions for ourselves. God also dwells in us and around us. God created human beings good.
God gave his “chosen people”, the Jews, 613 rules or commandments through Moses called the Torah. Moses then wrote down what God had told him. They are the books of the bible in the Old Testament that make up the Torah: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy. There are so many rules and laws in the Old Testament that many believe God didn’t intend for us to be able to follow them. The idea was to get the Jews to realize they weren’t perfect and needed to be saved. God sent down his Son in flesh to be an example of how to live and love. Jesus came down to Earth. He lived a life free of sin

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