Throughout time, what comes too easy for us is usually taken for granted. What we take for granted is trust we receive from a friend, a gift from a loved one, or power to help people are usually given freely. One such example that we can see in history is when Winston Churchill abused his freely given power when controlling a British army. With his stubbornness and power, that army was led to their destruction. To a lesser degree, people like me have taken some items for granted. What we esteem too cheap, we esteem to lightly which can be seen to be true with myself, my friend and my cousin. When I was younger, my father decided to give to me his old Game Boy. When he gave it to me, I played with it every day. One day I left it where I had played it last. When I returned the next day, I discover that it was gone. I was upset for a long period but earlier last year, we found it in our shed. To this day, I am taking better care of it and I …show more content…
When my cousin was about a three years younger, he received a PSP from his parent. He loved playing on it, but he left it where his brother could reach it. He told me one day he left it on the dining room table to go finish his chores. When he went to receive his PSP, he seen that his brother had broken it. He told me he wished that he left it in a higher place so his little brother would have no chance of breaking it.
In the future if people continue to abuse what has been given to them freely there will be no ground for any respect. Several people today believe that if something happens to a certain item they can just get a new one. These such items are phones, gaming consoles, or any other object given freely. People in this generation fail to see that even though we get things freely does not mean the objects that have an emotional factor cannot be replaced; once it is gone or broken, it is gone
Which lends to another reason that I can relate to the statement I just presented, in that I’m a kind of person who tends to keep the words of certain emotions I give off to others just by them personally knowing me, and what I can thinking of just by looking at me, but also one that gives to others without them asking for anything in return. For example, I would be the kind of person who would give someone a gift of some sort that would cost a bit of money, and that when it comes to a time when they’re about to return the favor, I would tell them that they wouldn’t have to do so. Another situation that can be somewhat similar to the one previously mentioned is that when it comes to things that have multiple things, such as a bottle of soda,
To take nothing for granted is to become a better person. It gives a better perspective on everything. Taking something for granted will only show greed or self-entitlement which could lead to sadness or even anger. For instance, if one takes clean water for granted, they will always expect it, or not be thankful enough for how important it is. If they do not take it for granted than they will be thankful for a glass of clean water as they will realize it will not always be there.
The world is constantly changing and maneuvering to reimprove itself for the better of the people, or so one may think. There are so many new innovations and forms of technology that are constantly changing. “Look here’s the iPhone 8” and then the next year “look here’s the iPhone 9s plus.” A person would think that as society gets older, it just continues to get better and better; however, in many instances it has been shown to be questionable if today’s society has changed and reimproved at all. Every day on the news there is something wrong with the world like a shooting, or a plane crash, or some sort of harmful violence. Technology has been seen to worsen issues as well as improve them. Advertising has been able to spread through technology
Today, our generation has changed and gold digging has been scorned upon more than usual. Nowadays we try not to judge a book its cover but sometimes it can’t be helped which can be a dreadful thing. Many times an individual may look presentable and well raised which can earn respect from people but looking into their background, can make someone pity and treat someone differently. In my opinion everyone should be respected no matter what even if they aren’t very friendly. From my experience, I have noticed many of my close friends either getting treated differently or treating other in another
Ernest Holmes addresses a trepidation we may have when giving: our resources will be temporarily depleted. It is common sense that the more we give, the less we have; but there is a principle at work which defies common sense, because the appearance of loss and lack is deceptive. Once we have sown a seed our hands are empty, but the soil is full and soon we will have our hands full with the harvest of that seed. If we had held onto that seed, there would be no harvest and we would eventually be empty-handed. However, giving in a principled manner does not incur a loss, but gains. Giving, as a matter of principle, is the difference between gaining more or having less. Of course, if we go through the motions of giving — appearing to give, but actually throwing money away in an unprincipled manner, then we have simply wasted our time, and our treasure. Not every seed sown, grows; some fall on hard, stony ground and never take root. Not every prayer is heard and answered; some fall on deaf ears — our own. Having ears, we hear not. Having eyes, we see not. And having our hands full, we give not. It is a shame, because we could give, have and enjoy more.
One quiet morning I was sitting on my couch playing games when my I heard my dad jingling his key. So I decided to get up and see what or where he was going.
Materialistic items play a key role in the world today. People use these items, such as technological appliances, to fulfill their daily wants and needs. However, most people do not realize the negative effects of such a heavy reliance on material goods. In “The Allegory of the Cave,” Plato shares his idea that an overdependence on items can negatively affect ethical decisions. This idea is discussed in “The Veldt,” by Ray Bradbury, The Truman Show, by Peter Weir, and Daniel Key’s novel, Flowers for Algernon. Throughout all three stories, characters greatly rely on items and other people, leading them to make unethical decisions. In some cases, people are objectified as a result of being needed, desired, and treated unfairly. In “The Veldt,” The Truman Show, and Flowers for Algernon, an overreliance on items leads to a loss of focus on morals and what is ethically important.
By doing this you lose the people around you. Odysseus, for example, rarely trusted his crew with key information vital to their journey, leading them to mistrust him. Wreaking havoc multiple times throughout the epic. A relationship is a two way street and you have to give in order to receive. But a relationship cannot rely on the concept of favors. That relationship, the same one Odysseus creates, is immoral. It was only achieved through lies and constant deceit. His constant ego led him to sacrifice his morals and the lives of others for his own purpose. His intentions were not pure, therefore his relationships were shallow. In addition to self absorption, society pushes us to focus primarily on materialistic and therefore, temporary possessions. Whether, it be purchasing a gift card for a birthday present or simply giving someone cash. The meaning is lost. But simultaneously, it is effortless. I have been a part of this cycle as well. Because It is ridiculously easy to buy a card for someone with a note already printed inside. It is ridiculously simple. And it must
As generations pass, children have become disrespectful not only towards their elders, but towards each other. Fortunately, my grandmother taught me at an extremely young age that respect is the greatest gift you can give someone. Of course, in her day respect was just something every child bestowed and knew was required of them. Without the technology we have today my grandmother along with the rest of her generation knew how to communicate with each other. In fact, she stated that they talked and visited with each other more than kids nowadays do. As a result, they were able to know each other on a more personal level and knew how to look each other in the eye to carry out a
Our economic problems, our international problems. Whenever I turn on the news or go online, everyone is trying to fix the problems that we have caused; a recent epiphany occurred to me that almost everything can be fixed by people who cared. Without respect, no one would care. No one would care about themselves, their families, or their friends. And without people who cared, no one would care about progress or getting better. We would never enjoy life; we need to respect life. Because life is all we have and everything else builds upon it. I do not believe that respect is the driving force in this world— I know and I feel with every fiber and bone of my body that we need respect to truly live and that without respect, we are
Respect as a virtue is a simple virtue and should be followed at all times in daily life. In a short definition respect means treating others, human or otherwise, in a dignified manner; however, this does not mean that everyone on Earth as royalty. As Marshall puts it, “respect is a close relative of tolerance (Marshall 44).” Following this further the author is acknowledging that all humans will always have our
People demand different amounts of respect, though not everyone is willing to give the amount needed. Maybe this is because not every one knows what respect means.
So the burning question arises: Should respect be given to everyone no matter what, or is it something that needs to be earned? I believe that respect is a given. Like a natural right, it is born with it, and it is your choice whether you can gain more or lose it. People around the world have been fighting all around the world for equality. Isn't that the same as respect? We have been fighting for respect this whole time, so why should we suddenly discriminate every organism on this planet. Everyone has a side of insecurity and if we keep making people feel ashamed of that, there would be no respect. Respect is what separates me from you, him from her. But shouldn’t everyone get respect no matter the case? From CEOs to retail workers?
Respect is an important value to be taught when growing up. Through the years I have learned that in order to learn anything you must have respect for others. I have learned many valuable lessons from listening to my grandmother. She has told me many of her experiences, which has made me a better person. Having respect for other people has allowed me to be more open-minded and see qualities in people that most would not. I have always listened to what my friends and family has to say. That doesn’t always mean that I agree with them, but it is their opinion, so I respect it. In return I receive respect from them. As people begin to respect me more their trust in me also grows.
I was around 8 or 9 when my mom first told me “Don’t take anyone for granted.” I sat in my bedroom and looked at my mom extensively asking her “What do you mean?.” Sitting in the beige colored room with the glowing light pointing towards her, I questioned her for a good couple minutes. Being the little girl I was, I didn’t know what the immense word “granted” meant. After the short and quick conversation with my mom, the words she said had been stuck in the back of mind for a long time. The saying popped up in my mind here and there, but it has not effected me at least not yet.