My name is Takeyra Willis. I am twenty years old and the youngest of three daughters. I graduated in the year 2014 from Hernando High School with Honors. Now, I’m a registered student that’s enrolled at PHSC. Over my past three years attending PHSC, I have been studying to receive my AA degree in Associate in Art. Hopefully, shortly after receiving my AA degree, I would like to start studying for a degree in Early Childhood Development. So, that I can work with young children. In many of my social circles I am considered as a quiet and thoughtful young lady that is very unique. During my free time I like to volunteer at the local youth center that’s a non-profit organization named “Born to Win Community Development Corporation, Inc.” that
I am a volunteer for Camp Kesem, a program that provides support and puts on a summer camp for children and teens whose parents have been affected by cancer. The past year I have volunteered with the organization at "bar-canning" and "tailgate-canning" events, where I have fundraised for and informed people about Camp Kesem. I also organized a flag-football team for one of our largest campus fundraisers, "Football for the Fight." Lastly, I was accepted as a volunteer counselor for this year's summer camp, where I will be a cabin leader for 11-12 year-old
Shenitta Niles is on her third semester at Roxbury Community College. She got her high school diploma back in 2011 from Charles Town high school. She originally started out at Bunker Hill Community College, but later transferred to Roxbury Community College due to the low cost, convenience and transportation. Although she is a mother of a young child, she attends the college full time pursuing a major in early childhood education. Constantly being around her daughter and other young children has inspired her to pursue that career. She isn’t sure on the type of field she hopes to work at once she finishes her associate’s degree, but she will continue on to a four year college pursuing this path. Nevertheless, a long term goal of hers is to
My name is Guadalupe Segura. I am Hispanic and half Asian. I was born in Guatemala. I came to the America when I was 9 years old. My first language was Spanish I can now speak English fluently. This is my second semester at Onondaga Community College. My major is humanities and social science. I plan to transfer after I accomplish my associates. The college that I want to transfer is to University of Delaware where I want to extend my Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.
Our family has been blessing people by providing a food pantry out of our home for the community for the past two years; before that we did a food ministry out of our church for six years, blessing thousands of family a month. I am very active in our current church, i run the soundboard and the computer/projector during Sunday service. I'm always willing to help others, I have 1700+ volunteer hours over the past seven years. Currently i am holding a 4.00 gpa in my college classes and I'm on the schools president's list. I've recently applied and have been accepted in the Phi Theta kappa honors society.
Within the past two years, I have been involved in numerous amounts of volunteer work and extracurricular activities. I sought out to join Key Club, Future Farmers of America, and Furry Friends because they all shared the same intention of bettering my community. In FFA, I fought to become the secretary because I wanted to utilize my high position to take steps towards improving my community and organize events in which we would volunteer. With my help, we hosted a dinner where we provided food for the homeless, fed our local firefighters, and participated in wrapping stations where all proceeds went to charity. Key Club acted as another outlet to better my community. I partook in events such as creating Easter baskets for underprivileged children,
Over the past two years (2014-2016) I have participated in the National Junior Honors Society. As a member, I commit to completing community service and to learning among my peers in order to develop into a superior leader. I have taken part in activities such as fundraisers, team building activities, and several forms of community services such as working in a soup kitchen, daycares and organizing social events. Recently, I volunteered for a week as a vendor at a temple in Tacoma, raising money for the establishment during the Cambodian New Year festival.
I am an active member of my school and community. At school I feel that i've gained the respect of my peers being elected as Student Council representative for the past four years. I have also been elected the treasurer of the choir, and secretary of the band. I am part of the Ross Middle School bucket drumming group and have been casted as part of the school theatre’s annual play. After school on Wednesdays I assist Ms. Rullman in helping students with homework and enhancing study methods. I am currently participating in science olympiad and have in the past. I am also an anchor on the popular Good Morning Ross Middle School weekly news show. In addition, I have been a part of National Junior Honor Society which takes part in service projects
Hello, my name Raeda Scheene. I was born in Syria. I have three children two boys one girl. I live in chinatown,i love living here it is a nice place to live in. I My major is early childhood development, r. It gives my good start with my kids, understand their challenging behavior, and helps me to build a better relationship with them across their age. This is the first time to take online class. My exception to this course to learn more about children's literature and who the social influences on it.
One particular activity that I feel has made a difference in the community is my participation in Mini-THON, a student-led philanthropic organization that raises money for research in pediatric cancer and benefits Four Diamonds and Penn State Hershey Children’s Hospital. I have served as the Junior and Senior Co-Chair, or President, for the past two years, respectively. Each year, my responsibilities have expanded from simply attending meetings and contributing ideas for fundraisers, to actively coordinating meetings and organizing fundraisers with local businesses. For example, our club held our first annual “Teenie-THON” for elementary school students. We spent countless hours creating advertisements and permission slips for the participants.
Throughout the past four years of high school, I have done my best to try and stay actively involved in the community. I have been presented with some amazing volunteer opportunities such as Huron Safety Town, STAR Leadership Camp, American Red Cross, and Huron High School Girl’s Basketball Biddy Program. I spent over 24 hours at Huron Safety Town where I was able to help young students, mainly those going into Kindergarten, learn how to stay safe while on the road. I was also able to spend over 24 hours at STAR Leadership Camp where I was a councilor to those going into the sixth grade. I made sure that each student understood the importance of being a leader in today's society and how important they are to Huron’s community. Through National Honor Society I have been able to maintain in constant contact, approximately 10 hours, with the American Red Cross by volunteering in monthly blood drives. I have also dedicated 16 hours of my time to those young girls interested in someday being a varsity basketball player through the Biddy Basketball Program.
I like to be engaged in activities that contribute to the community. I was part of the Mile of Hope, event used to raise awareness for cancer and fundraise to support the families of those affected. Through my membership in National Honor Society I have contributed in activities such as the annual toy drive to provide children in need with a gift on the holiday of Christmas, I also participated in the annual can food drive to provide families food for a Thanksgiving meal. I volunteered at the Brownsville Public Library assisting the public and organizing books. For a period of time I also volunteered at an income tax company Jackson Hewitt cleaning and organizing the
My passion is working with young children. I am interested in the field of child psychology. During the past four years, I have been dedicated to becoming a well-rounded student, immersing myself into my studies. Additionally, I have participated in numerous scholastic, athletic and community service projects in an effort to position myself to be successful in my college
For the past number of years, I have taken part in volunteer activities on my own, and as a member of the National Honor Society. Multiple times through the past four years, I participated in children’s holiday parties at my church. My main tasks were assembling displays and games, and assisting children who wanted to play one. I have also fundraised for many charities concerning life-threatening illnesses such as cystic fibrosis, cancer, and diabetes. During my freshman year, I completed nearly 25 hours of community service at Julia Boyer Reinstein Library. Besides restocking library materials and cleaning up around the building, I also assisted many people who were looking for certain items or had general questions. People from all different demographics and age groups visited the library and had an abundant amount of needs that I helped fill. Later this
Contributing to my school and community is a true passion. I am involved in programs like the Red Cross, Angel Tree created by The Salvation Army, and Olive Garden’s Pasta For Pennies. My school hosted a Red Cross blood drive, and I was responsible for promoting the event to individuals within our school. We had a total of two hundred students donate blood. We helped save a total of six hundred lives! I also assisted the Program Angel Tree by promoting the program among the student organizations within my school. Our involvement has helped hundreds of less fortunate children and seniors receive necessities and gifts! As a team, the student council also collects spare change from students in our school. Our collaboration with Olive Garden has helped fund the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's School & Youth campaign. I am truly glad that my contributions have made an impact within my community and society! My strong involvement in extracurricular activities has helped me become knowledgeable, principled, and a risk-taker. I carry a strong sense of respect and righteousness, and I approach unfamiliar opportunities with a vision and great courage. I seek to set an example for members within my school, community, state, and
Taking time to volunteer at the many nonprofit organizations, homeless shelters, advocacy centers, philanthropic fundraisers, local schools and child care facilities in the inner city is not always at the forefront of young people’s minds while navigating through their college experiences. But, with a little push from student organizations, local nonprofits and passionate individuals, volunteerism and community change can start to take a front seat and become not just an opportunity, but also a priority in the lives of young people.