Many immigrants came to america for many different reasons.Many came to seek new lives in a different place, hoping for a better life. Some came to escape corrupt government rulers in their home country. So many of them chose to come to America. In the late 1800s the homestead act was passed, which allowed any people to claim any amount of land they wanted out West. This was the perfect opportunity for many immigrants. This was what enticed the immigrants to take the journey to America. When they went west Most of them became farmers or miners. Farming for many immigrants was extremely hard and difficult. Many of the people who came to america searching for a way to create a better life for themselves and their children, failed. Many of them who tried farming was not successful either. There were many reasons and factors that that went against them. Just imagine coming to America for the first time and trying to start a small farm to support your family in the same time frame and under the same conditions they were in. It would be difficult, no one to turn to when help was needed or a question was unanswered. When they did get help there were usually strings attached to the deal that were not in their favor. Many took out loans to purchase the bare minimum of seed to plant the first crop and farm machinery that they needed to begin a farm. The loans were not the issue , but the interest was outrageous. Many of the small farms couldn’t make the payments on the loans
Immigration is the number one source of our population, and it has helped our growth as people. America is the land of opportunity and second chance. Many take the risk of leaving their families behind to seek fortune, some come to explore new lands, and some come to an unknown country to seek freedom. Sometimes people need to get away from their problems, and some just simply need a new life. The historical account Of Plymouth Plantation by William Bradford, talks about the early years of the Plymouth colony. But coming to America meant new lifestyles, religions, cultures, and a new world.
It is evident that the drive to colonize this new nation had chiefly been for economic purposes and the fact that the European continent was becoming overpopulated. The New World had been discovered by explorers who wanted to locate a new route to India so that trade could be better established. However, once what is now known as the United States was founded, there were more opportunities for a variety of things, including slave labor, colonization, entrepreneurship, and even an escape from religious persecution and the social and political system of Europe. As a result of this drive for change, the European people aggressively came to America so that they could make changes, and this would be on behalf of the Native American people who already claimed the land.
There were many reasons motivating the immigrants to come to America. A few of them were mainly being free, and having better jobs. So economic opportunity, and religious or political freedom. They wanted to be around a free atmosphere, where they didn't have to be controlled and follow rules. Another reason was because they wanted to be reunified with their family. Some of their family had already ventured out to America before them, and told them about America's benefits and they decided to follow along. America's land was cheap, and had an abundance of hiring jobs. Once immigrants heard about this they were ecstatic and immediately planned on coming to America. For the abundance of jobs America was hyped up in many countries as the 'land of opportunity'. Really the motivation for
Immigrants lack basic rights, face exploitation and live in fear of reporting abuse and Immigrants do 71% of the farming but they can not have a good paying job because they lack basic need to get that kind of job do they go for a not so well paying job to support their family in the time of need so the reason people immigrate is to have a better life and they will eventually make a good new life
Between 1870 and the 1990s, over 11 million immigrants came to America in search of a better a life, coming from Southern and Eastern Europe such as Germany, France, Ireland, and immigrants from China as well. People came to America seeking sanctuary from their home land that did not allow them to be free, such as the Jewish people of Russia, who came to America because the Russian government was anti-Semitic. Jewish people were not allowed to have much property or security in Russia, simply because of their religion. In addition, the draft in Russia would take people away and force them to fight for 25 years, in wars that were pointless due to outdated weapons as well as the brutal discipline they were treated with when drafted. America was a place that allowed freedom of religion, something that was not common and many other countries, making America the ideal place to move and settle down, allowing immigrants to express their religion freely, without the consequences they faced back home. Immigrants also came to America in search of jobs that were scarce in Europe. Many small farmers were put out of jobs in Europe due to large scale mechanized
During the late 1800s, inhabitants from all parts of the world made the decision to leave their jobs and homes to immigrate to the United States. They fled rising taxes, famine, crop failure, land and job shortages, to come to the United States. Perceived to be one of the greater countries for economic opportunity, many sought freedom from religious and political persecution. Around twelve million immigrants arrived in the United States between 1870 and 1900. Before the Civil War, the majority of immigrants were from Germany, Ireland, and England. There would be a drastic change in the next three decades. After the Civil War, immigrants
It was because they thought that the United States could give them opportunities for jobs, their livings and a better life. Not only benefited to immigrants, the United States was also improved in industrial because of immigrants as workers in factory. Moreover, the Gilded age in the United States rose in industrialization, technology, railroad and business. Therefore, the immigration in the United States was important to the past history of America because they made the United
Immigrants started to look out west in the search to accomplish their dream to obtain land. Even though many immigrants ran away due to persecution in their countries, many also went to America because of personal desire. After arriving to America they worked hard to try and have enough money to move west in search of land.After moving west and settleing in the area after having enough money to achieve it, they promoted agricultural progress. Agriculture was common within immigrants and it was their method of survival in the west. After getting their land and achieving their goals, they looked towards the future and start imply technological advancements.
Immigration was a huge part of the industrial revolution, some migrated legal, some illegal. Either way, many immigrants came to the United States searching for a dream, the American dream to be precise. This leads to the question; Why did people immigrate to America? There can be many answers to this question, but some of the most important answers are: political, others economic, while yet others religious, whatever the case was, the United States became a mix of different cultures. However, the main reason for immigration was because of the “Industrial Revolution” Industrial Revolution is basically the changes in industry from the 18th century to the 19th century that started in Britain
As time went on many different people came to america to live better and the reason they left their original homes depends on what was going on then. Majority of the immigrants came from europe. For the immigrants between the 1800s and 1880s most of them came from Northern and Western Europe to have freedom with their religions and the irish came to get away from poverty.(Holt, 489) Immigrants came to America searching for an opportunity. In their countries they were limited to jobs and the Nobles in their church controlled a lot of the land.
America is traditionally a country of immigrants. Very few people today have relatives who were Native Americans, many of them because of religious persecution, and others because of they were just looking to start a new life on the exciting untouched frontier. For instance, in Florida, the first arrivals were European, beginning with the Spanish explorer Ponce de Leon who explored the land in 1513, following French and Spanish settlement during the 16th century. From the past, America was seen as a country of opportunities. People from all over the world have moved here looking for better opportunities. There are a lot of reasons why immigrants should live in this country, but I would like to mention three of them.
The topic chosen is the impact of immigration on the agriculture in the United states. Within this topic, there are many aspects to be considered. How much of the labor force of the agricultural industry has included immigrants? How do the positive and negative aspects weigh out? Many people have an opinion on immigrants, but there are some that lack the basic knowledge of the positive effects of immigration.
U.S. as an immigration country, has a long history of immigration. It is a complex demographic phenomenon that has been a major source of population growth and cultural change of the United States. People came here because of varies reason, the major reason among them are fleeing crop failure, land and job shortage, rising taxes, and famine. Nearly 12 million people immigrate to the United States between 1870 and 1900, making it the world largest immigrate country.
Immigration has always been a major part of America. In fact, without immigration the creation of America would not have been possible. The majority of immigrants came to America for religious freedom and economic opportunities. However, for the most part before the 1870’s most immigrants were Protestants from northern and western Europe. These immigrants often migrated to the United States as families and usually lived on farms with family or friends who had already migrated beforehand. A lot of immigrants came to America with a plan or goal in mind. They often had saved up money for the long immigration overseas, were skilled in a certain trade, or had already been educated at a high level. Sadly, this would not last. Immigration
Over the past couple decades the number of undocumented immigrants involved in American agriculture has increased by the hundreds. They have dominated the fields on the west coast and have been put to work in some very harsh conditions. Many people in the US believe that these men, women, and even children are occupying jobs that legal citizens could have. We realize that even though much of our agriculture these days is harvested by modern technologies, a big part of the agriculture’s economy is made up of labor intensive from people, such as harvesting grapes, strawberries, pistachios, raspberries, etcetera. As we dig deeper into this topic we will realize why our agricultural