
Taming Of The Shrew Research Paper

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In the play taming of the shrew and 10 things I hate about you, I believe relationships are shown differently because in 10 things I hate about you relationships are shown through just dating out of fun/ love instead of in taming of the shrew where it was about money and kind of an agreement with the father and no choice for the women. This is seen in the relationships of Katherine and Petruchio.

The difference between the relationship of Katherine and Petruchio in the play Taming Of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You. We recently read the play Taming Of The Shrew where we met characters like Katherine and Petruchio who were getting married and petruchio was basically in the relationship for her money. In the movie on the other hand …show more content…

In the movie the relationship was started off based around money and he eventually started to fall in love with her, she also had to fall for him where in the play she didn’t really have a choice she just had to marry him because her father said.“For I am he born to tame you, Kate, and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate conformable as other household kates.” This shows their relationship because of the time period on how he was responsible for making her his woman and she wouldn't really tame herself and she didn’t have a choice. I think Petruchio really did love her he just didn’t know how to show it because of the time period. In the movie he treated his women way better and actually took care of her when she was drunk and cared for her way more than in the play where he basically hated her and just wanted to marry her for her money. In the play petruchio wouldn't even stay at their wedding and he wanted to leave but Kat wouldn’t. Their relationship in the play was very directed and structured around money where in the movie it was more surrounded around there feelings and how they actually enjoyed being

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