In the play taming of the shrew and 10 things I hate about you, I believe relationships are shown differently because in 10 things I hate about you relationships are shown through just dating out of fun/ love instead of in taming of the shrew where it was about money and kind of an agreement with the father and no choice for the women. This is seen in the relationships of Katherine and Petruchio.
The difference between the relationship of Katherine and Petruchio in the play Taming Of the Shrew and 10 Things I Hate About You. We recently read the play Taming Of The Shrew where we met characters like Katherine and Petruchio who were getting married and petruchio was basically in the relationship for her money. In the movie on the other hand
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In the movie the relationship was started off based around money and he eventually started to fall in love with her, she also had to fall for him where in the play she didn’t really have a choice she just had to marry him because her father said.“For I am he born to tame you, Kate, and bring you from a wild Kate to a Kate conformable as other household kates.” This shows their relationship because of the time period on how he was responsible for making her his woman and she wouldn't really tame herself and she didn’t have a choice. I think Petruchio really did love her he just didn’t know how to show it because of the time period. In the movie he treated his women way better and actually took care of her when she was drunk and cared for her way more than in the play where he basically hated her and just wanted to marry her for her money. In the play petruchio wouldn't even stay at their wedding and he wanted to leave but Kat wouldn’t. Their relationship in the play was very directed and structured around money where in the movie it was more surrounded around there feelings and how they actually enjoyed being
Which would you rather be in a relationship with? A toxic person who is always trying to change you, or a caring person who loves you for you. There are a lot of differences between Patrick of 10 Things I Hate About You and Petruchio of The Taming of the Shrew. Patrick is a much more caring and loving person to Kate than Petruchio is to Katherine by means of why he was dating her, how he approached her to be able to date her, and his intentions for her.
The relationship between Kate and Petruchio is completely different from the love of Bianca and Lucentio. "Kate is a neglected, hurt, and humiliated daughter who disguises her grief from herself as well as others with a noisy shrewish temper" (Craig 342). She has a fiery disposition and a reputation for reacting violently to people. The challenge of capturing her is Petruchio's real attraction to her. He can be seen as a rough, unfeeling, greedy, "swash-buckler" who cares nothing for Kate's feelings (so long as she has money). "
Since Katherine is more like a shrew, she gets the attention of Petruchio whose very adventurous and wants a to marry someone that is wealthy. Katherine and Petruchio really don’t have a relationship he’s more on the controlling side of it and that how she likes it. Hortensio in the play thinks Bianca is beautiful and kind and only wants to marry her because of her wealth. Lucentio in the play is very sure of himself and Cameron in the movie is afraid of why a pretty popular girl would want to go out with him. Joey in the movie is the popular guy in school that can get anything and anyone he wants because of his good looks
One of these key differences can be found through the attitudes and portrayals of each of the characters. Baptista Minola, (the father of Bianca and Katherine) in the play, is a very respectable and confident man. But in the movie he acts extremely timid and scared;
Love is represented in many shapes and ideas based on social context as well as those caught within. William Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew as well as its adaptation 10 Things I Hate About You by Gil Junger, represent their respective ideas on love which shares its similarities and differences, both portraying love in their own forms. Both texts highlight the ideals of love in their context as well as one of the main courtships, Katharina and Petruchio, involved in love, portraying their values of love.
“Romantic? Hemingway? He was an abusive, alcoholic, misogynist who squandered half of his life hanging around Picasso trying to nail his leftovers.” The Taming of The Shrew and Ten Things I Hate About You, are both considered to be of the romantic comedy genre, and focus on culminate in a happy ending. The story line of Ten Things I Hate About You is based on the same basic plot as The Taming of The Shrew. Both films are also about love and relationships, but they depict how sexism has changed over many generations. Studying these film texts illustrates that the idea of marriage and or relationships have evolved significantly throughout the Shakespearean time and that of the 1990’s yet Kat and Kate in both the play and the film, make changes to better accommodate their partners. For example, Katherine changes many things about herself and her personality to better suit Petruchio and Kat opposes her negative attitude while Patrick does the same things, in meeting her halfway, while changing things she dislikes about him as well.
During the course of the entire play, all of the characters except Petruchio treat Kate with disrespect. Baptista, her father, is especially insensitive to his daughter's feelings. When Petruchio comes to inquire about Kate, he describes her as fair and virtuous woman. Her father neglects to acknowledge that it was possible that his daughter could have those fine qualities (II.i.42-63).
Relationships are a lot like hills, they tend to be traveled up and down. This is shown in William Shakespeare’s play, “A Midsummer Night’s Dream”. Theseus and Hippolyta, who were once enemies are now getting married. Oberon and Titania mutually rule the fairy kingdom and cannot see eye to eye. The intricacy of the love hate relationships helps to form the plot of the entire play and the fine line between the two drives the story to the end.
How far do you agree with the opinion that courtship and marriage are undermined and ridiculed in “The Taming of the Shrew”?
The Taming of the Shrew, by William Shakespeare, deals with marriage. The ideas explored are primarily shown through the characters of Petruchio and Katharina. We are introduced to the trials and tribulation's which present themselves in their everyday lives. The characters bring up a traditional concept of male domination. Through the play we see the need for domination through Petruchio, and the methods he uses to dominate. While these ideas of male domination have remained a constant throughout the years, however recently there has been a change toward equality.
In the movie, Patrick and Kat truly fell in love and had feelings for one another. But in the play, Petrucio only married Katherina for the money that Baptista would be giving him. Even though in the movie, Patrick only started going after Katharina after Joey started paying him. The next relationship difference is between Walter, Baptista, and Kat. In the play, Baptista wants to get rid of his daughter because she is so shrewish. But in the movie, Walter doesn't want to get rid of Kat. Kat just has to have a boyfriend before Bianca can. Another relationship difference isn't really a relationship. Cameron, Lucentio, tutors Kat in French. But in the play, Lucentio teaches her Latin. A reason this is so significant is that Latin is considered a romantic languange and Lucentio used it to his advantage by being well versed in it. Where as Cameron didn't really know French, so he couldn't woo Bianca with his knowledge. Next is the relationship between Cameron and Michael. In the movie, Cameron and Michael don't switch places. Michael just acts as Cameron's wing-man and helps him with the plan. But in the play, Tranio actually takes Lucentio's place in office. The last relation shit is between Bianca and Patrick. In the movie, they are equal peers and Patrick does not force anything on Bianca. But in the play, Petrucio is like Katharina's master and she must obey him. These relationships were
With less brutality, manipulation was apparent in our film since the main character, Olive had succumbed to peer pressure from her friend Sadie and was manipulated and taken advantage of by Asher. The concept of love was presented in similar ways since in both contexts the love was conditional. In the play, Petruchio married Katherine solely for her financial status. With our film,
The time period of the Renaissance included many features or details that may seem incredulous to many people of today’s society. Some of which even include the inequality of men and women, and certain relationships of families which can consist of fathers and children or husbands and wives. In the play The Taming of the Shrew written by William Shakespeare, each character and the environments around them were greatly affected due to these features. In fact, the entire final outcome and result would be completely different if the time period of the play were not set in the Renaissance. In The Taming of the Shrew, William Shakespeare uses the time period of the Renaissance to represent abusive power, and as a unifying device for culture, social life, and family life.
Although they are both shrews of sorts, they act out in distinct ways. Another dissimilarity is that Kat and Patrick (Petruchio) actually fall in love. Even though Patrick originally started chasing her for the money, he eventually stops caring about the money. In the play, however, it doesn’t really seem that Petruchio truly fell in love with
As the play continues, we learn even more about Kate. For example, when Kate and Petruchio go back to Baptista’s, Kate begins to see how Petruchio operates. She learns that if she does what Petruchio says, even if she knows it is not true, she will get something she wants out of it, like going back to her father’s house. Petruchio test Kate when they meet the real Vincentio on the road and he asks Kate if she has ever seen a finer young women. Knowing what he is up to, Kate shows her amazing wit and decides to play his game. She has figured out that Petruchio has a method to his madness and if she plays her cards right, their relationship can be a partnership with a series of actions and rewards.